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    I am Lizira Bluun. Although I now stand a leader of a community of refugees on Felucia, I think I should start the story with how I got to Felucia in the first place. As I strolled through the fields within what I had dubbed Refugee Village, I looked at the white shirt, blue pants, brown shoes, and dark grey jacket I was wearing, I remembered that I wore these clothes when I fled from the Imperial assault on Tatooine.
I'd just walked out of the cantina when I heard it. Mass clamor and panic as some locals grabbed weapons while others started running for their lives. I began to wonder why there was so much chaos.
I saw the cause of the panic and running a quarter-mile away. An Imperial army of at least 2000 Stormtroopers was headed straight towards Mos Eisley. I admit I wanted to help, but two factors stopped me. For one thing, I was unarmed and defenseless. Also, I knew that there was no way the local populace could stand a chance fighting against a well-trained Imperial army. As I ran to a spaceport where a freighter was waiting, I knew that this was my chance to escape the suffering that was soon to come upon the planet.
While navigating through space, I wondered where to go to avoid detection by the agents of the Empire. I thought of hiding on planets such as Christophsis, Alzoc III, or Abafar. I put those thoughts aside when I remembered that there was a good chance the Empire may have already occupied those planets.
By the time I'd just begun looking for outer rim worlds to hide in, I'd discovered that Felucia was unoccupied by the Empire. Then and there, I decided that I would forever hide from the Empire on Felucia.
When I finally arrived, I decided to land in the thickest canopy I could find.
As soon as I landed on Felucia, I kept a sharp eye for any danger, local or Imperial. Less than an hour later, I heard a voice say, "Let go of me, you thugs! Unhand me!"
Unwilling to let the person in danger die, I picked up a stick and snuck up behind the stormtroopers. I then brained the two Imperials on the back of their heads knocking them both out instantly. I then turned towards the person and said, "I don't know what reason the Imperials had to kill you, but I assure you that if you join with me, we will build a community for those who flee from the Empire. I'm Lizira Bluun."
"Cordan Wel."
Cordan and I eventually found a grove large enough to accommodate at least 2,000 people.
As the days went by, Cordan helped me find more refugees and/or escapees fleeing from the Empire.
Eventually, Cordan found a group of stormtroopers paroling twelve prisoners through fungal growth. Five seconds later, Cordan and I attacked the six stormtroopers and convinced the twelve prisoners to join us. As we made our way back, Cordan said, "We keep this up, we might just have enough to form an army."
I glared at him and said, "I'm looking to save lives not risk them. If we form an army, we may all end up dead. You do have a point though. We can't leave ourselves unguarded."
"How will we protect ourselves without weapons."
"We already have six blasters stocked up. We'll just need to find people willing to use them."
As the days went by, more and more refugees joined me. Soon I had at least 349 people with me. I eventually had seventy people join my little community of refugees. As my numbers grew, so did my hope that I might save many more people from the clutches of the Empire. While my numbers were continuously rising by the dozens, I expected that I would soon have enough people to form a town for refugees that the Empire could never find.
Getting the community together was hard, but finding people was harder. I figured that the Empire was probably hunting down refugees with a vengeance. I knew I had to protect the people I saved, but I knew that if I armed some of the people I saved, I would merely put them in a situation where their lives would be ended shortly. I knew it was a risk, but I knew that it would be an even bigger risk leaving them unarmed lest the Empire discover where we were.
Within two weeks, the population of my community more than doubled with(including Cordan and myself) 713. The population grew further the following day when 27 more somehow managed to escape. Pretty soon I realized they were actually escaped prisoners of war. What gave the impression that they escaped a PoW camp was the fact that they were stopping every twenty feet to shoot at the Imperial forces chasing them and that they managed to take down a few of them.
I let out a sharp whistle and fourteen men, five of whom actually already had blasters when I rescued them, appeared on the crest of the hill where I was standing. As soon as the men got into position, I gave them the cue to commence firing.
The spray of blaster bolts both caught the Imperials off-guard and beckoned the escapees my way. After the Imperials were scattered and the 27 escapees welcomed into my refugee/escapee camp, I knew that I would soon have at least 740 people.
Eventually, with the population growing to 1,200 people, I figured I would need help running the place. I then enlisted a woman I befriended named Jerina to help me and Cordan. As I saw that my community was starting to swell to the population of a city, I knew that Cordan and Jerina were right about one thing, if the population continued to grow I would have no choice but to assemble a fighting force to defend the population since hundreds of defenseless people would be easy prey for any Imperials who were hunting down the escaped prisoners and refugees that formed my community.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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