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    The next day Braisa and  got into their positions and prepared for round 5.
"I think this might just be it Braisa," Villeria said, "the final round."
"I sure hope so, ." Said Braisa.
"You got your troops ready?"
"Yeah, they're ready. You? "
A soldier then came and said, "All platoons have reported in, commanders."
"Alright, everyone," Braisa ordered, "battle positions!"
    As the enemy forces approach, 5000 strong, the defenders stood quiet and confident. As the enemy continued their advance, Braisa signaled her lines to hold their fire. The enemy forces then drew closer, prompting  to ready her forces to rip them to shreds. Less than a minute later, all hell broke loose.
As the enemy advanced, Braisa's lines peppered them with blaster bolts. The invading forces fell by the hundreds, lines and columns falling one after the other. At first, it seemed as though the Imperials would never get close to the pass. That thought of certain success stood, until they brought up their rocket and mortar units.
As the rockets and mortars rained upon the defenders, Braisa yelled, "Hold your lines, men! Hold your lines!"
When Villeria saw that the artillery barrage wasn't aiming for Braisa's men, but rather, the cliffs where she and her troops had taken position. She then realized they intended to wipe out her forces so their legion could charge Braisa's forces down and overwhelm them without passes through which they'd otherwise have to funnel their troops.
When the realization hit her, she said, "My units, aim for their artillery troops! Stop them before they blast the pillars down and open the pass!"
What Villeria didn't know is that she'd just paved the way for Imperials to charge through the passes without getting hit in the flanks. As her forces fired on the enemy heavy troops, Braisa was able to still deal a pretty good amount of damage to the enemy forces.
Minutes later, Villeria was able to get 4 men in each of her divisions to reposition themselves to continue to hit the Imperials in the flanks, although there wasn't going to be as much damage inflicted upon their flanks as the last time. The one upside was that Braisa had her troops in three lines, one on their stomach, one kneeling, and one standing. With the three defense lines set, Villeria and Braisa were certain that they were going to draw the Imperials to their deaths. Eventually the Imperial forces got within firing range and the slaughter began at once and relentlessly.
Minutes later, the Imperials, despite having lost half their forces closed to melee range, though the fighting tactic unleashed by Braisa was an interesting one.
As Imperials closed in, the men kneeling stood up, and the men on their stomachs got into a kneeling position. Minutes later, the Imperials charged straight into the blades of the front line and dropped dead. The second line was then gunned down in a volley. After ten minutes of this, the Imperials withdrew and attempted a second charge. Much to the defenders enthusiasm, the Imperials were pushed back once again.
As the Imperials withdrew the sixth time, Braisa said, "My guess is that they want to draw us out knowing that we'd not stand a quarter of a chance against them in an open field. I think we should send some guerilla units to sabotage the enemy vehicles. That way, should we engage them, they won't have an artillery advantage."
"A good plan," said Villeria, "but we have to consider the fact that the Imperials may actually expect us to try that. They probably know that when a force is heavily outnumbered and outgunned, they may try to even the odds with some sabotage."
"If we try calling for reinforcements, they may attempt to stop such a thing from being done by jamming our transmissions."
"But look at the damage we inflicted upon their thousands with our hundreds. If a defending force is capable of doing that, they might get arrogant. This could work to our advantage."
"How so?"
"Well, an arrogant commander would continue fighting despite the obvious fact that unless they get reinforcements, the best they'll be doing is delaying their death."
"So they'd never suspect that we, despite our winning streak would call for reinforcements."
"I say that we wait until the next engagement and call for reinforcements while the enemy is focused on us."
"Brilliant! The enemy will be so focused on us that they'd never see our reinforcements coming."
The next day, the Imperials were once again being slaughtered in the narrow passes by the defenders.  and Braisa contacted the Alliance leadership.
"Commander Fraes, Commander Nilun, what is it."
"We're trapped on Dantooine and need reinforcements." Braisa said.
"We have an Alpha Assault Cruiser available Commander."
"Good. We'll hold out as long as we can."
"Well," Said Villeria, "let's get it started."
As the clones continued to hold their ground against the Imperials, Braisa and  blasted down several of the Imperials, forcing them back again and again. As the battle intensified the defenders actually began to sustain casualties themselves when seven of the troops in the past were gunned down.
"Hold your lines, men!" Shouted Villeria.
Two hours and twelve minutes later, 's holocommunicator activated.
A Clone appeared. "You called for reinforcements."
"Yes, we did." Said .
"We want you to send a detachment of troops to the rear of the Imperial lines. Destroy their artillery and outflank them."
"Will do, Commander."
The next second Braisa contacted  on her comm channel.
"What is it, Braisa?"
"Have our reinforcements arrived?"
"They're here. I sent them to destroy the Imperial war machinery."
"At least we don't have to worry about that anymore."
I'm also gonna have the clones outflank the enemy."
"That would allow us to advance towards them instead of having to draw them in."
Twenty-five minutes later, several explosions were heard and the defenders knew the enemy tanks and walkers were reduced to scrap metal. Villeria and Braisa eventually heard the sound of approaching soldiers.
Then through the fog, the 382nd Legion appeared. All 4296 men prepared to charge.
A minute later, the 382nd legion charged en masse towards the Imperials.
Mayhem ensued as the Imperials fought like madmen against the two-front attack, though the enemy eventually surrendered.
"Please," Begged the commander, "I beg you to spare us."
"Fine, you'll be spared."
"We did it, Braisa!"
"Yup. Dantooine is still ours. I wonder if we'll be using this 'false arrogance' strategy again."
"I don't know."