Chapter 17

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"A goddess?!" General Kran and Dianne Northington screeched simultaneously.

Ryu shrunk into herself. Fern was tied up several steps behind her, just out of earshot. She looked back at her. Ryu wasn't embarrassed of what she'd said the previous day; those were her feelings, simple and clear. She was only upset at Fern's reaction. Her compliance on the receiving end of unjustified anger.

"How is that possible?" Surprise had punched Kran breathless.

"I asked Nyrin for celestial help in the war, and he sent Fern. She was my wish."

"You used your wish... to help Akan in the war?" Kran's shock rapidly flickered into suspicion. Even he could tell this was unlike her.

Ryu bristled, steeling her expression and raising her defenses. "Of course I did. Don't act like I can't sort out my priorities. I care about our victory." Ryu exchanged a quick glance with Storyteller, implying I'm covering for you. This could've gone a different direction. The General cared about Ryu, about her wish, her morale. He stiffly believed in the personal, intimate meaning of the meetings with Nyrin. Dianne's lips remained locked.

The moment the Supreme Commander stepped aside, Ryujin followed.

"Ryu, don't give me that look."

"I did what you wanted," Ryu said, ravenous. "I did more. A goddess amongst mortals. I've seen where she comes from. Though I have no idea yet what she can do."

She turns to watch Fern struggle to lift Kran from a heavy kneel. "Please get up, there's no need for any of this!" Fern yelped, skitterish, panic surging on her face.

"Such kindness, my lady. But I shall never forgive myself for regarding you without the respect you deserve." Just as he clasped a big hand around her wrist and lowered his head to kiss her hand, Fern aimed a frantic gaze towards Ryujin. Ryu smirked and turned back.

Dianne spoke with a frustrated bite. "That can't possibly be a goddess. She looks no more than an anxious girl."

"She's the help Nyrin gave us. As powerful as he himself." Okay, Ryu didn't know that for sure, but it couldn't be that far from the truth. Fern must've been useful somehow, right? "This is the goddess I offer you, Storyteller. This is the best anyone has ever laid at your feet."

Ryu saw it coming. She knew she could get it. Praise. Applause. Recognition. Even a promotion, why not? At her age, it was nearly impossible, but— herself leading a brigade, working directly under General Kran, standing as a Colonel in the next battle against Rakia, or Belvarre, or the world. She needed a new goal to shoot for, after all.

Dianne crossed her arms over her chest. "Ryujin, you will be sharing quarters with Fern. After the raid, we can not spare a single tent or storage room. I task you with integrating her in the army, training her, discovering how powerful she is and how we can use that."

"Haha. Funny joke. I hate it."

"I'm serious. You found her, but that alone doesn't mean anything to anyone. If she can't help us in the war, she's as good as gone and your wish is wasted."

"Are you kidding me? Just torture her or something. I mean, cough, don't burden me with her."

"We can't hurt her, Ryu. If you're right, we can't miss out on an alliance with her."

Ryu sneered. "I'm not a babysitter." Dianne had probably assigned her this mission because she believed in Ryu's capabilities as a leader and coordinator. As much as the soldier craved to prove her right, to prove herself better than right, there had to be a more practical and effective way to do that. "If you want me to be a Colonel, if you're testing me, then let me show you who I am in battle."

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