XIII - I hate you

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We got back at 6:34am and walked into the kitchen.

"There you two are!" Susannah laughed.

"Hey." I smile.

"Where have you two been?" She asks.

"Went for a swim." Conrad answers.

"I hope you remembered today you said you would baby sit for the family down the road y/n."

"Oh yeah I did didn't I? I'll start making my way down there now." I replied.

"Okay I'll get Jeremiah for you?"

I turn around. "Hm? Jeremiah? Why do I need Jeremiah?"

"You both agreed to go it together." She remind us.

I ran up the stairs and changed. I quickly ran back down the stairs and stood next to Conrad. Susannah walked around me and Conrad to the stairs where she started shouting for Jeremiah. Me and
Conrad shared a knowing look and I sighed. Jeremiah walked down the stairs looking between me and Conrad.

"Well we best get going bye Susannah." I smile kissing Susannah's cheek before I leave. I walk past Conrad and he gives me his good luck nod and I walk to Jeremiah's car. He walked out shutting the door behind him and he unlocked the car. We both get in the car and put our seatbelts on.

"Us in this car gives me some memories." Jeremiah jokes.

"Yep." I say emotionless looking out the window. Jeremiah let out a loud sigh and started the car. As he drove down the roads he cleared his throat.

"Where we're you and Conrad all night?" He asked.

"Went out for a bit. Why?"

"Just trying to make conversation." He looked at me. "Hey y/n? Can we please not be awkward?"


He pulled up onto the drive of the house and turned they cars engine off. We both opened our doors and walked up to the front door of the massive house.

The little girl answered she had beautiful blonde hair that was down to her shoulders; around 7 years old.
"Y/n!" She shouted jumping up at me.

"Wow Penny, you've grown up so much since I last saw you." I say picking her up.

Her mother came to the door. "Hello y/n, Jeremiah. Great to see you. Thank you so much for agreeing to Babysit."

"Oh, that's okay Mrs. Barry." Jeremiah smiled while I was talking to Penny.

"Well, I should be back with Mr. Barry around 6pm." She told us.

"Okay, bye Mrs. Barry!" I smiled as she walked past us out the door and to her car.

"Bye Mum!" Penny screamed as her mother drove away. I placed Penny carefully on the floor.

"Let's go in shall we." Jeremiah says as Penny took his hand and pulled him in the house.


Everything had been fine with Jeremiah. It had been like nothing happened. Which of course something did happen. But in the presence of Penny nothing had happened. We were all sitting watching a movie. Peter Pan. Penny had placed herself on the floor. She was laying on her stomach and her hands were supporting her head either side. Me and Jeremiah sat kind of squished together on the two person sofa. The Barry's had got a little chair for Penny to sit on so she felt more mature while watching a movie with her parents.

"This movie is so boring." He sighs quietly not loud enough for Penny to hear.

"Shut up I love this movie." I smile.

Fem y/n x Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now