XV - What?

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Everyone stared at me in shock.

"And me and Jeremiah have been hooking up for like 2 years." I shrugged.

Jeremiah's head looked up and at everyone around the table. They was all looking between me and him.

"So where does this leave us?" Adrian asked me.

I looked at him and went to answer when I was interrupted. "Just because you fuck once doesn't mean your engaged." Jeremiah laughed bitterly.

I flopped my head down. "You had intercourse!" Susannah screamed at me.

"Y/n we're meant to talk about these things." Mum told me.

"Talk about it? I don't want to talk about it to you two. It's awkward going up to you 'oh yeah did I mention I shagged someone. Oh I didn't worry well yeah that happened.'" Susannah and mum had their mouths agape.

"I'm gonna leave." Adrian stood up and walked out the room. I didn't go after him either.

"How can you just sit there? You have a lovely boy there who clearly likes you and is going to leave!" Mum shouted at me.

"Maybe I don't need a man to make my life complete." I laughed sourly.

She stood up banging her hands on the table. "You are a child! You don't understand anything yet! Your too immature!" Mum screamed back.

"Immature?" I shout back. I was now stood up even though I didn't remember even standing up. "Says the woman who smokes weed and then acts like a 8 year old."

"ENOUGH!" Conrad shouted. Me and Mum fell back into our seats leaving Conrad the only one standing. "This is such bullshit! Why are you actually arguing?" He shouted.

"I'm not even wasting my time anymore." I stood up and left through to the garden. I sat by the pool and cried.

An arm made its way over my shoulder trying to pull me into a hug. At first I pushed it off. Without even hesitating the arm was back on my shoulder. I was now crying into the shoulder of my savor. I looked up at who It was. It was Steven.

"It's not your fault." He assured me.

"Why aren't you arguing with me?" I giggle slightly wiping my eyes trying to make light of the conversation.

"I love Jeremiah don't get me wrong. But you'll always come first alright? So what's happening?"

"With what?" I sniffle.


I looked at him and laughed. "It's a long story."

"I've got time." He said sweetly. I smiled weakly. This meant so much to me.

"So me and Jeremiah have been hooking up since like, our first kiss." Steven nodded even though he looked disgusted. "Then Jeremiah said he didn't want anyone to know then I got mad at him because I didn't want to be his little secret. So I hooked up with that guy in a bar Conrad took me to. Then earlier today Jeremiah told me he loved me. Then this."

Steven looked surprised. "I never pegged Jeremiah for someone who would fall in love."

"What's that supposed to mean." I laughed.

"Nothing." He laughed back. "Well do you love Jere?"

"I don't know. I have to figure it out. Stevie what if he takes it the wrong way?" I asked panicky.

Steven was hugging me. "If he loves you like I think he does he'll understand."

"Yeah." I sniffled.

Fem y/n x Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now