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He was at her bookstore again. He was watching her from afar, it wasn't creepy, no not in the slightest. It was his job, she was a knew store owner who had just moved to Velaris, Azriel kept telling himself as he glanced up at her from his book again. She was talking to her assistant, her silver hair falling down her shoulders and bangs framing her face. Her head turned towards me and I quickly snapped my head back to my book.

Very smooth azriel, aren't you the spymaster of the night court? "Hello,"a beautiful female voice said from in front of me. I looked up to see her standing there, Aurora "Hello." I say, my voice slightly hoarse.
"I just noticed that you're here a lot, and are always reading the same book, but haven't bought it."
I fought down the embarrassment rising to my face. She had noticed I was here, watching her, in her store. She noticed me.

"Oh, well yes it's a very good book." I say, schooling my face and voice.
"Well No offense, shadow singer, but you tend to, scare away others people,"
a light pink dusted her cheeks, oh cauldron, i didnt even think about that. How terrifying it must look to have the spymaster i of the night court just sitting in the library day after day. She must've sense my Anxiety because she quickly replied, "Don't worry, i'm not scared of you, no offense of course, but other people are," she said, chuckling slightly.

"But i was wondering, if you would like, you can read in the upstairs lounge area, or you can buy the book," She said, smiling softly, and gods if that didn't kill him, not seeing her smile again would. And she wasn't;t scared of him, no not in the slightest. Not of his scars or his shadows or any of him.
"Actually if you don't mind" he said, repeating his thoughts, "the upstairs lounge would be great." I said, closing his book and standing up.

She smiled one of those sun-bright smiles again- at him. "Great, follow me."She said, turning, so he did. He followed her through the book cases and towards the back stairs. She led him up the stairs, her body moving smoothly and swiftly. She opened the second door on the right. She opened the door to reveal a large fireplace on the back wall and every other wall lined with bookshelves, and two large green lounge chairs in front the fireplace and desks in the corners. There was one bare wall, but it was a ceiling to floor window with vines wrapped around it.

"It's beautiful." I said, eyes scanning the room, "Thank you, it was one of the first rooms that I decorated in this place. " i turned, looking down at her, she was looking out the window, "Why are you doing this?" I asked before i could stop myself, she looked at me, her peircing red-gold eyes staring into mine, into me. She looked away again,
"Because i know what its like for people to be scared of me, and i dont always want that, so having a good, non-formal friend to have is nice." She said he didn't know what to say.

It was like she had stripped him bare, straight down to the truth inside of himself. His denial. "Well sit where everyone you like, my break is in 20 minutes so ill be up here soon." She said, smiling then walking back out.

She clicked the door closed behind her, sighing. That worked better than planned, I had been working up the courage to confront him for a while, the spymaster of the night court. The spymaster of the night court, in her lounge room, reading. Alya, my assistant, rounded the corner grinning, "is he in there?" She whispered squeaked. I rolled my eyes, "yes, yes he is," I said, beginning to walk passed her, everyone knew that she had the biggest crush on the spymaster, even before he was coming into her store.

"I cant, believe this! I should say hi to him, or bring him some food, or some more books. " She began to ramble as we continued working. I reshelved books and helped customers for twenty more minutes until it was my break. "Im on lunch," I say as i walk past Ayla, "tell the shadowsinger i said hi!" She said and I nodded. I grabbed my lunch out from underneath the back counter. I walked up the backstairs and to the lounge room. I opened the door and saw him lounging in one of the chairs in front of the hearth.

His head snapped up to look at me as i closed the door behind me. "Hello," I said, making sure my voice was soft, comforting. "Hello," He said back, i walked up to the other chair, "How's the book?" I asked, unwrapping my lunch,
"It's good, actually i'm getting to the battle of Orynth."
I look at him, confused, "Have you read it before?" I asked him, he seemed to blush at this a little,
"yes multiple times actually, what are you working on?" He asks me as I winnow some books over to the stand next to my chair.

"I'm currently studying healing," I say, looking back at him as his eyes study the books. We sit in a comfortable silence most of the time, or asking each other questions about books, and things we've read. "My lunch is over, but stay in here as long as you would like, my assistant may come in and bother you for a second, she has a huge crush on you, but don't tell her i said that." I chuckle as I walk out, i see him smiling at me before I close the door.

Here's a shorter first chapter, hope you like it

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