Let's Just Finish The Dance

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Salvatore Boarding School

Hope and Aaron were in each other's arms while laying in Hope's bed in her room. Just then, Hope begins experiencing rough dreams whilst asleep with Aaron. Hope whimpers. "Hope, wake up." Aaron said. He starts shaking her. "Hope, wake up." Aaron said. Aaron tries to wake Hope, and when he does, she expels a magical blast that throws him across the room; Hope is unaware of what happened. Hope gasps. "Oh, my God. Aaron, are you okay?" Hope asked, rushing over to him. Aaron coughs. "Well, I've been through worse, so I think I'll mend." Aaron said. "What happened?" Hope asked.

Aaron gets up. "You were having a nightmare. And then you screamed and some magical wave thing hit me, and now I have art supplies where no man should." Aaron said, chuckling at the end.

Later ~ Alaric's Office

Alaric was researching about a Phoenix when Landon and Aaron walked in. "Hey, Dr. Saltzman, uh, can we talk?" Landon asked. "Yeah, of course. I was just doing some Phoenix research. Please sit down." Alaric said. "Um, yeah, well, I mean, obviously I'm dying to know m-more, uh, pard-pardon the pun." Landon said. Aaron and Alaric chuckled softly. "Uh, but actually, I wanted to talk to you about-" Landon said but Alaric cut him off. "MG? Is he still acting weird? Look, once Emma's done with her therapy intensive with Raf, she'll work with MG... And she'll work with you, too, if you want to deal with the fallout of him, you know... kill you." Alaric said, chuckling nervously. "Dr. Saltzman, I'm honestly just glad to know what I am. And that I belong at the school." Landon said.

"Good." Alaric said. He then saw Aaron had paint on his neck. "You, uh... got a little." Alaric said to Aaron, pointing at his neck. Aaron wipes the paint away. "Yeah, that was actually what I wanted to talk to you about." Landon said. "Paint?" Alaric asked. "Hope." Aaron said.

The Next Day ~ Gym

Alaric and Hope are practicing sparing when he tries to talk to her. "So, what's wrong with you?" Alaric asked. Hope deflects. "Nothing, I'm fine." Hope said. They both are panting as they swing their sticks at each other. "Aaron told me about your little incident." Alaric said. "Isn't boyfriend confidentiality a thing? It should be." Hope said. "He's just worried about you, that's all." Alaric said. "He doesn't need to be. We've known each other our entire lives. He knows I can take care of myself." Hope said. "Are you sure? It seems like you're manifesting a little stress and anxiety. My guess is, you're still dealing with the trauma of seeing Landon dead." Alaric said.

Hope exhales. "I've been through worse." Hope said. "I mean, with your family history, I just want to make sure-" Alaric said but Hope cut him off. "I said I'm fine!" Hope shouted. Then once again, Hope expels a blast of energy that throws Alaric across the gym. Alaric groans. "Okay. I-I could stand to blow off some steam. I'm gonna... go check the woods to see if I can wolf out." Hope said as she leaves. Alaric is still laying on the floor as he groaned. Once Hope is gone, Lizzie walks in and stands over her father. "Daddy, I need you." Lizzie said. She then helps him get up from the floor and hands him a clipboard. "They won't unload the trucks without your
signature." Lizzie said.

"What?" Alaric asked. He looks at the clipboard. "Tables, chairs, flowers, and a... helium tank? Who ordered all this?" Alaric asked. "You did. A few months ago." Lizzie said. "Why?" Alaric asked. At this moment, he suddenly remembers and gasps in horror. Minutes later, Alaric gives an address to the entire school. "I have some news. Many of you, like me, have forgotten that we are hosting this year's Miss Mystic Falls Pageant." Alaric said. The students start groaning in annoyance and muttering among themselves. "Trust me, I know. But the rotation is set in stone. So, let's take the opportunity to maintain our image as a normal school for the rich and awful. As usual. anything remotely magical, enchanted, vampire, wolf or witch-related must be kept tucked away, hidden, and under lock and key." Alaric said.

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