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KNOWING THAT A WOMAN I ENCOUNTERED two weeks ago invaded every inch of my mind was definitely enough to flip my mood from good to bad in an instant. What made matters worse was that it was one of my students.

I had one rule, just one that I always followed religiously. Never get involved with your fucking students. Though the profanity definitely wasn't necessary in that sentence I feel like it added depth to the statement.

This newfound infatuation pissed me the fuck off. What was it about Aaliyah that drew me in, like a moth to a fucking flame. The reason was unknown to me.

After distractedly marking the stack of papers on my desk I grew irritated with the lecture hall. Even though it was spacious it felt like I was suffocating in it. I flicked my wrist, realising that it was time for me to return to my office in any case.

This time around, I was expecting company.

I grabbed everything I needed and shoved it in the black leather briefcase before exiting the class and heading towards my office. Students greeted me as I passed them while I gave them a stiff nod and smile.

It was mostly women, some of them glancing at me seductively but I brushed it off. I couldn't have reached my office fast enough. The adrenaline and excitement of being alone with her in a space where we definitely wouldn't be disturbed.

I unlocked the door, pushed it open and then left it ajar before walking towards my seat. The mahogany desk neatly had all of my important paperwork placed on top of it and the necessary stationary in a brown plastic holder.

I thrived in an environment where I was in control because I liked things to be done in a certain order. That could potentially be a reason why Aaliyah both irritated and intrigued me.

She made me feel like I lost all sense of control when I was near her. I've never been this fascinated by a woman but there was something about her. Something magnetic.

Three knocks on my door had me looking in the direction of the sound. "Come in." Aaliyah pushed the door open, stepped inside and was about to walk in my direction when I said. "Close the door behind you."

She abruptly stopped and looked at me in bewilderement then reluctantly closed the door. There was a soft click, ricocheting off the walls in the
quiet room.

Aaliyah's usual curly hair was straightened today but had volume to it, it swayed and bounced with each step she took.

I smirked, watching her walk towards the empty chair on the other side of my desk. Her movements were slow, almost sensual as she slowly pulled the chair out and sat down.

"Aaliyah." I said, watching as she placed her hands on her thick thighs, clasping them together. She eyed me, the scent of her perfume was so intoxicating — wafting in my direction. Then that body lotion hit me, a mixture of shea butter and vanilla.

She smiled, but it was evident that the grin was fake. "Professor." She responded sassily. I noticed that she was always passive agressive when she spoke to me but it wasn't hard for me to pick up on. I'd get her for this though, really soon.

Sadistic | 18+Where stories live. Discover now