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I DON'T THINK YOU WANT ME TO MANHANDLE you because trust me Aaliyah, that wasn't it.

Vivid imagery flashed before my eyes. The sound of my name rolling off his tongue so smoothly, like honey — still replayed in my head and it felt as if I could still hear his deep voice with that subtle Italian accent ringing in my ear.

If someone asked me what the difference between molten lava and my body temperature was I would say there was none at that moment in time. The close proximity and the pungent scent of his fresh cologne had me going absolutely feral.

There was something so enthralling about him. Whenever he stood in front of the body of students in his lecture hall I would try to keep my eyes off him but failed every time. I simply couldn't avert my gaze and the bad part was — I didn't want to.

This attraction seemed dangerous but why did the idea of danger suddenly appeal to me? I'd gladly jump into a dangerous situation if it meant I could get just one taste of him.

The moment he trapped me between his taught body and that cold cement wall it's like I lost all sense of reality. Unable to differentiate between reality and my imagination. Only because what was happening during that moment felt like a figment of my imagination.

A huge part of me couldn't comprehend the interaction I had with my professor. My mind ran away with me and I was trying to ensure that my legs didn't fail me, caving in and making it abundantly clear that he obviously had an effect on me.

His body was so warm, toned and he smelled so fucking delicious. I squeezed my eyes shut wanting to rid myself of every interaction that ever took place between us. What was I doing? What was I getting myself into?

seems like the professor will be getting himself into you

I'm beginning to think that I should've studied psychology instead. That way I could master the subconscious mind because it resembled a younger sibling who wouldn't leave you alone and would make an appearance during the time that you didn't want to hear anything — especially not their voice.

What an absolute pest.

I couldn't block it out though — the flashbacks, the obvious yet deadly attraction, the thick tension. It was all too much for me to bare.

"Oh my God." Vanessa came waltzing through the door with a brown paper bag in one hand and a holder with two milkshakes in it, in the other.

Her backpack was slung over her shoulder and her hair was messy. Her long, thick wavy locks cascaded down the front of her body. "If I didn't have to prove anyone in my family wrong and I wasn't interested in getting my degree I would've dropped out years ago."

I was really thankful that Vanessa had returned because being left alone with my thoughts right now surely wasn't ideal for me. Her appearance was God sent because I could sense that I was about to go into a downward spiral.

"Was it that bad?" I questioned, sitting up straight on the couch and patting the seat next to me indicating that she should come sit down and join me.

She placed everything that she had in her hand down on the counter, tossed her backpack onto the floor and then plopped down beside me on the couch. "Yes." She exasperated. "Luckily I actually thoroughly fucking studied this time and I don't want to come across as biased but I think I did extremely well. Also, I brought us burgers, fries and milkshakes. You know I stress eat."

I shook my head and laughed. "You and me both sister." Even though I had a very different kind of stress. "There was this new dude who sat next to me today. His name is Matthew. Good looking guy, seems like your type."

Vanessa scoffed, pursing her lips. "Nobody at that damn place is my type. The professor is my only exception."

If by any chance I happened to be drinking anything right now, there was a high possibility that I would've choked on the liquid. I started coughing and Vanessa gave me a concerned look while rubbing my back.

"None of us are studying medicine and I didn't complete my first aid course. Please don't choke because I'm going to start panicking and that won't help our situation. I'm surprised he sat next to you. I'll give him points for bravery."

When the coughs finally subsided I rubbed a hand over my chest and gave her the side eye. "Yeah well, clearly my resting bitch face isn't as effective as it used to be." There was a long pause before I spoke again. "Speaking of the professor—"

With narrowed eyes, Vanessa glanced at me and shook her head. "What about him?" She raised an eyebrow.

I didn't want to go in depth with the topic but Vanessa and I told each other almost everything. Emphasis on almost. "Well, he's been slightly .. flirtatious." I'd leave out the part where he had an erection in his office that may or may not have been caused by me.

She nodded slowly. "If you had to tell me something like this when I was fifteen I would've told you how wrong it is. Back then I had morals, now I don't. What's the issue?"

My jaw hung on the floor and my eye twitched. "I should've known you wouldn't have been of any help. How can you ask me what the issue is? Let's just say," I placed my hand on Vanessa's shoulder. "And this is hypothetical of course, the professor and I did something we weren't supposed to." I paused.

"Do you understand the implications it would cause for him if anybody ever found out? Not to mention the fact that it would tarnish my reputation."

She sighed. "I understand what you're saying and I'm not saying that you're being dramatic or anything but nobody's going to find out." She tilted her head sideways. "In this hypothetical scenario of course."

I chuckled at her response and rolled my eyes. "You're ridiculous. The man irks me." Vanessa could probably see right through my lie. He did irk me though but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

"Aaliyah, you can lie to yourself but not to me. You can also lie to professor Leone but he'd be a damn fool if he didn't see right through those web of lies."

I chuckled lightly because she was actually right. After being friends for more than a decade there were certain things we could easily sense — for example if one of us wasn't being honest about something.

I literally first encountered the professor a few weeks ago but already he was etched into my memory. He gave me the impression that he was someone who was extremely hard to forget. Especially if you were romantically involved with him.

My mind yet again went back to the events that took place today. My heart beat was erratic and the thoughts had my palms feeling clammy.

A shiver ran through my body as the memory replayed in my head. Today he was too close for comfort. I could still feel his touch on my skin, lingering hours after his hand left my wrist. I was dying to see what was hidden underneath those shirts and slacks he always wore.

Or to have his cologne on my skin after having his body pressed up against mine all night long. I changed the subject and thankfully Vanessa didn't circle back to the topic.

"So when are we eating? I'm actually starving and now you can tell me all about your test."


hey babes
read up to chapter 14 on 💌 i'll be posting chapter 15 later on

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