It All Started With A Cup Of Coffee.......

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"No Dani it's not okay! I'm going to fail the test and then I'll just flunk" I groan. Dani pats my back reassuringly "Hey no, you'll be fine let's just grab a coffee and get to school. It's almost 8:30" she says taking my hand and pulling me into the Cafe. She pulls me with such force I crash into someone and instantly feel burning liquid thrust at my abdomen.  

"OW!' I exclaim looking down at my white school shirt to see it now the colour of old parchment. I groan and glance at Dani who's frozen in shock as I finally hear whoever it was who crashed into me apologizing "I'm sorry love, so sorry." I hear a familiar voice mutter. I freeze, I'd know that voice anywhere I look up to see none other than my metaphorical husband the ginger god himself Ed Sheeran.

"It's u-uh fine." I manage "Are you sure? That looks like your uniform you aren't gonna get in trouble are you?" he asks worriedly "I can just wear my cardigan it's fine." I say to him. "I'm sorry, you think I could give you a ride to your school? I feel really bad." he smiles sheepishly "Sure, I guess." I say as his eyes travel to Dani "You can come too Im not going to abandon you here whilst I steal your friend." he says as Dani grins.

We follow him out of the cafe and he leads us into his car. "Not to sound cocky, but Im guessing you two know me already?" he asks. Dani nods and I smile "Yeah we know who you are." I nod. "Yes, but I don't know you.." he trails off "I'm Nonni." I say trying to be as casual as possible. It's hard to be casual when you're in ED FREAKING SHEERAN'S car whilst you're being driven to school by his driver and indirectly, him. "Nice to meet you Nonni" he smiles and then turns to Dani looking at her curiously she lets out a breath "I-I'm Dani" she stutters grinning widely.

"Nice to meet you too Dani." he smiles what a gentleman. "So uh where's your school?" he asks "Just keeping driving up the road and turn right at the turn with the random statue on the corner" Dani says as of right now I'm lost for words. Ok now I know what people feel like when they meet celebrities, I was actually Starstruck.

I seem to have blanked out for a bit because I hear Dani and Ed refer to me. I look at them "Sorry what?" I ask Dani smiles "I was just telling Ed how we have a big test today and how you were freaking out about it when I dragged you into the cafe and then you..." she gestures to us both crashing. "Ah yes. Well I always freak out about tests" I say thoughtfully "But you seem quite brilliant, Im sure you'll be fine." he says. Im totally going to pass this test now that he's said that. 

He's truly amazing. I smile a blush creeping up my cheeks "Thanks." "Not a problem. We turn here?" he asks and I look out the window and nod as the car comes up to my school, crowded with girls round the front gate. "Thanks Ed, it was really nice of you" Dani says as she opens the door. "No worries, it's the  least I could do. One more thing do you two mind if I got your number? You seem like really nice girls." he asks.

My heart almost stops, he's asking for our number. "Sure!" Dani smiles as he hands her his phone and she gives him hers. "Definitely." I nod as Dani gives me his phone and I hand mine to him. I typed my number in quickly and handing his phone back to him as I slide out of the car hearing some girls mumbling about us. "Awesome, it was great meeting you two! I hope to see you around whilst I'm here." he says, oh yeah I forgot we live in New Zealand, haha silly me. 

I grin and wave to him "Bye Ed!" Dani exclaims "Bye Love" he says to her "Bye Ed" I smile "Bye Gorgeous." he smiles as Dani shuts the door and he drives off leaving me standing there dumbfounded.

Oh my, Ed Sheeran called me gorgeous, funny how all of this started because of a cup of Coffee.


Well that's that! New book lovelies! Dedicated to Nonni my babing wife. <3333

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