chapter two - the painting

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How do you know my name?"
"How did you know mine?" He smirked.
"You told me did you not?"
"I know you knew my name long before. How?"
His smile burned through me.
His perfectly upturned corners of his mouth stabbing my heart; ripping it to keep for his own.

"My father." I lied. It's easier to lie sometime.
Hmm??! He's not an idiot for God's sake is he??
"My father told me tales of you."
"He did? Hmm."
His stupid smile never disappeared.
I could hear the smile through his words even when I didn't look at him.
"Come." Before I could protest he grabbed my hand and started running.
I opened my mouth to say something but decided it best to keep shut. His soft skin felt so warm against mine. His perfect curls flopped around carelessly. 

His smile. His laugh.
Everything Everything.


He finally stopped at an arch way. We were panting, but in a good way. The laughing kind of way, like when you just raced one of your best friends.

Once I finally caught my breath, I looked into the room beyond the arch way. Eros was still bent over panting, struggling to bring his breath back to its normal pace. 

"Wha- what is this place-?" I tried to hide the amazement in my voice but horribly failed. 

The room was full of the most gorgeous books you've ever seen; the ones you hear people talk about reading but never have read yourself. The bookshelves housing them were white, trimmed with intricate gold carvings. The walls were covered in paintings, those of famous Greek Gods and Goddesses. I walked up to one of them. It was Aphrodite. The odd thing about the painting, was that I had never seen it before.  It was almost as if Aphrodite had been here, in this very room, before. 

"Nice huh?" Eros said, startling me.
"Sorry, didn't realize you were lost in thought. Sorry for interrupting."
He let out a small laugh and smiled at me, his eyes interlocked with mine. 

Why did I feel nervous?

I broke eye contact, changing the topic. 
"So uh, what exactly is this place?"
"My little slice of heaven." He smiled again.

God, I hate his smile.

"Why'd you t-" Loud footsteps of at least 15 men interrupted me.
"Shit, hide!" He lifted the painting, pulling me through another arch way, in the wall.

"What was that?!" 
"I'll explain everything later, I promise! Just- keep running!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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