Shun walked into his Father Meiges Office, And Sue was also waiting at the Front door, as their Father Looked at them Strangely.
Meiges: Yes?
Shun: Father, what did you need?
Meiges: Excuse me?
Shun: You called us right?
Meiges: I never did such A Thing
Shun: What do you mean? Sue told me that you-
Just then A Splattering noise was heard as Meiges was shot through the head with A Blast Killing him!
And on the other end of that Attack was Sue!
Shun: S-Sue what Happened? Why did you-?
Sue: ...
Shun: F-Father...? S-Sue...?
Just then Cylis came in with A Bunch of Guards, and Cylis Saw what Happened!
Cylis: Guards, Take him, He's gone mad!
Shun: B-But I didn't-!
But then the Guards Began to attack him as he kept on blocking their attacks, and soon He was hit in the back with A Sword!
???: Well Shun, I guess you never saw this coming
Shun: H-Huh?
Just then his Assailant had removed his Helmet to reveal Hugo!
Shun: H-Hugo?
Hugo: Quite the Plot Twist isn't it? You see After Oka had locked my skills, I met this Hot Vampire Bae who offered me to get revenge on you and Oka, so I took it, and Now Cylis is Helping because he wants the throne
Shun: B-But he was-
Hugo: Actually Cylis was going to have the throne but Your daddy decided to hand it over to you instead
Cylis: It's supposed to be my Throne Shun, It's Mine
Shun: B-But-
Sue: (Emotionless) Please Shun, Die.
Hugo: Now Die!
He was about to Kill Shun when suddenly An arrow hits him on the shoulder, and Filimos had arrived!
Shun: M-Miss Oka!?
Hugo: Excuse me but if you want to stop being Cliche, I need to-
Suddenly He got hit with Sword and Leston appeared!
Leston: Shun, We need to get out of here now!
Shun: But-?
Leston: Now!
Just then They all felt A Dark presence and someone stepped out of the Shadows.
???: Now Come on why can't we have some fun?
Hugo: Oh where are my Manners? This is my new Friend Sophia Keren
Sophia: Charmed, Really
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