Chapter Twenty-Three: Dynamight

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A/N: Yes, I spelled the title that way on purpose, for those of you who don't know! It wasn't a typo lol.


Katsuki was currently shivering in his button-down shirt and uniform coat, and swearing under his breath at the total absurdity that was a morning assembly. Why they couldn't have the damn meeting inside was beyond him. He was growing moodier by the minute and had half the mind to just bail and say to hell with anyone who cared.

"Katsuki?" murmured Aisla. "You seem a little cold... Are you sure you don't want to go back and get your jacket?"

"I'M NOT COLD!" he argued through chattering teeth. "I'm a badass! Badasses don't get cold!"

She gave him a look that said she wasn't buying it for a second. "If you say so..."

He didn't even know what this annoying-ass assembly was about. They'd all been called from their rooms to gather out in the frigid morning air and instructed to wait in their perfect little lines for Principal Nezu to make an announcement. They could have told them all over the loudspeakers. Or better yet, sent a telegram. That way, by the time it reached him, he wouldn't even have to deal with the stupidity of whatever they were about to announce.

"What do you think this assembly is about?" Aisla wondered aloud, echoing his thoughts.

"Who cares?" he grumbled. "I just want it to be over with."

"Because you're cold?" she teased. He growled in response. "I could warm you up if you want~" she sang.

He tensed but chose not to answer rather than snap at her as he normally would. He'd been making an effort these last few weeks to hold his tongue. He wasn't great at it, but he was better than he used to be.

He caught Kirishima's gaze from the corner of his eye. He mouthed the words "be good" then shot him a wink. Katsuki scowled and looked away.

Finally, their principal strode onto the stage. He spread his hands out wide before them like he was about to conduct a symphony rather than engage students in an assembly.

"Good morning, students!" he intoned. "Isn't the weather lovely! My fur makes wonderful insulation for the cold, and it's the best season for drinking tea!"

"I hate this stupid bullshit," Katsuki muttered under his breath.

Aisla reached out and took one of his bare hands in her gloved ones. It did little to alleviate the cold, but he decided to let her hold onto it anyway. She probably needed his masculine presence for security or something. Luckily he was there to protect her!

"I'll cut to the chase now," Principal Nezu announced. "I have good news and bad news."

Katsuki scoffed. "Of course he does..."

"The bad news is," he continued, "due to the uprise in criminal activity since All Might's retirement, we will not be allowing students to return home for winter break."

"Oh no," Aisla moaned beside him. "I promised my little sister I'd be home for her birthday..." Her lip puckered.

"What?!" Yaoyorozo complained. "But New Year's is supposed to be when families stay home and spend time with each other!"

"All you losers do is complain," Katsuki grumbled. "Who cares?"

Beside him, Aisla sniffled and pulled her hand away from his. He gave her a shocked look but then Kirishima started complaining, too.

"Dude, literally everyone except you," he said. "Just because you don't care about your parents, doesn't mean the rest of us don't."

"Who said I don't care about my parents?!" he snarled. "I'm just not going to whine about not seeing their annoying-ass faces!"

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