Tim Loves Rita

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    It was a nice day out, and Tim breathed in the fresh Summer air. He was on the back porch, drinking a cup of coffee. He was lucky to have a house with such a nice backyard in this housing market, but mostly he was just glad to not live in that old apartment with Moby. Moby had been his friend back then, but Tim had grown older, and him and Moby had had a falling out. He now lived with his friend, Rita, in this house.
"Morning, Tim," said a pleasant voice behind him. Tim felt his lips draw up into a smile involuntarily.
"Good morning Rita," He turned around to her. He gazed at her ebony hair, drawn up into a cute ponytail. Even though it was early in the morning, and she looked a bit bedraggled, he thought she looked beautiful.
"You should start getting ready. Remember, you have that interview at the history museum at ten!" Rita reminded him.
Tim perked up. "Oh yeah! Thanks, Rita," He poured the remainder of the coffee onto the grass and rushed back inside. Tim was actually really well-versed in history, and better yet, he didn't need a college degree to get the job. He still enjoyed history and wanted to educate more people on the subject, but he had moved on from making BrainPOP videos with his old camera in his apartment.
Tim got ready quickly. It was only nine o' clock, and it took about fifteen minutes to drive to the museum, but he wanted to be early to make a good impression.
Just as he was heading out the door, he saw Rita through the door to the living room. She was opening her laptop. Rita was taking courses at an online university to become a nurse. Rita looked up from what she was doing and saw Tim staring at her. "Good luck, Tim!" She called. Tim blushed and looked away quickly. "Thanks, Rita," He smiled. "Er... See you!" I love you, Tim thought internally. He wished he could say it out loud, but he knew it wasn't the time. He put it out of his mind and walked out of the door.
Tim got to the interview, and he thought he did good. He hoped he'd get the job, but only time would tell. He got home at at around eleven thirty, and found Rita at the same spot on the couch clacking away at her keyboard. She held a bit of toast in one hand, and there was an open textbook and a mug of coffee on the coffee table. She looked up from her laptop and smiled at Tim.
"Hey, Tim! Will you come over here and distract me from this work, please? I'm so bored," She groaned. Tim chuckled and walked over to sit down. Rita gazed at him wearing a spiffy suit, and Tim thought he saw her blush. Maybe she's just overheated... A lot of hot air did come in when I opened the door, Tim told himself.
"So, how'd the interview go?" Rita asked. Tim remembered how well it had gone. "I think I may have gotten the job. Not to brag or anything, but the interviewer seemed pretty impressed." Rita gave him a playful elbow. "Ah, that's surprising. I always thought you were stupid." Tim laughed and pretended to scratch his cheek to hide his flushed face.
"But seriously, Tim, good job! You are smart, and you deserve to get that job," Rita said sincerely. God, my face probably looks so red right now... Tim thought, flustered. "Uh, thanks-!" Tim grinned.
"Anyways," He changed the subject promptly. "I checked the mail, and you got a letter. I don't know who it's from though." Tim handed her the envelope. It was a nondescript, blank white envelope, with nothing but the return address, postage, and a normal American flag stamp on the front.
Rita made a confused face. "That's odd. Are you sure it's not just junk mail?" She turned it over in her hands. There was nothing on the back. "Lets open it and see," Tim suggested. Rita peeled open the front. Inside was another white piece of paper. There were no pen indentions suggesting it had been hand-written, meaning it was likely a typed and printed letter. Tim thought perhaps it was junk mail and that he had been silly to make a big deal out of it. Although, there was something off about it he couldn't put his finger on.
Rita pulled out the letter, curiosity etched on every line on her face. She unfolded the piece of paper.

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