Things get Worse

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The next day, Tim had work. He had been growing gradually more and more paranoid, and being in public was making it worse. In particular, there was one trash can by one of the exhibits he had to show to tour groups that kept tricking his eyes. It was painted orange.
Just that day, he was leading his second tour group of the day around when it startled him again, "And up next, you'll see some preserved Native American arrowheads found right here in this city! As you can see, they were expertly crafted out of-" Tim's pulse increased as he whipped his head around to stare at the ominous trashcan. Its orange paint almost seemed to mock him.
"...Crafted out of what?" A kid at the front asked irritably. Tim looked back at the tour group, most of them frowning at him in a confused way.
"Er- Sorry. I thought I heard something. Now where was I..."
Things weren't going any better for Rita. In fact, compared to Tim, she was having an arguably worse time. She worked at the Whole Foods closest to their house (mostly because of the employee discount) as a bagger and re-stocker. As she was traversing the aisles, Rita kept thinking she was seeing Moby. But instead of seeing it was just a conveniently orange metal object like Tim, Rita would whip her head around just to see nothing.
By the time she got home at four thirty PM, Rita closed all the blinds and curtains, locked the doors, and hid in her room. She was almost trembling with fear. Rita pulled out her phone with shaky hands and opened up her messages with Tim.
Rita: When are you getting home?
Tim: I'm on break now. Should be home by 7 like normal. Why?
Rita: I don't wanna freak you out, but I think Moby was at my work...
Tim: It's probably just your imagination. I kept thinking he was a trashcan.
Rita: No. I know what I saw. I could even see him moving in the corner of my eye. I know what hallucinations look like- after my father died I thought I saw him everywhere- and this was REAL. He might come to your work next. You should come home. I'm worried Tim.
Tim: Just try to stay calm. I'll see what I can do but I don't know if they'll let me leave early.
Tim convinced his boss to let him leave early by telling him his girlfriend thought she was being stalked and was having a panic attack (a little white lie wouldn't hurt anyone), and drove home as quickly as the speed limit would allow. Tim checked the mail yet again when he got home.
"You look ugly in your Whole Foods uniform, Rita."
Another letter, another nasty comment, and another confirmation that Moby was just as dangerous as they thought. Tim knew no one could help them now. It was time to take matters into his own hands.

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