1 ~ The Frog Bath

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Bang, Bang, Bang. "Ariella, get your ass up now!" a deep, throaty voice assaulted the ears of a sleeping young woman. Bang, Bang, Bang! More angry fists against her oaken doors. "Ariella, I will not allow you to disrespect our family name any longer!" the man opposite of the door screamed.

With an annoyed groan, the woman known as Ariella pulled herself out of bed, sliding the strap of her nightgown up her shoulder before yanking open the door. A man with salt and pepper hair stood in front of her with anger-stricken features. His deep blue eyes pierced her soul as the glare set on his face spat obscenities at her. "What do you want from me, Father?" She scowled, placing a sassy hand on her popped hip.

"Just look at you!" he said, ignoring her question. "'Tis noon and you have yet to even change out of your sleepwear!!"

"Why would I be changed when you rudely woke me up?" she accused.

The man looked agasted. "W-What is wrong with you, Ariella?! Have you forgotten about your courtship today?!"

Ariella's scowl grew bigger at the mention of her courtship. Why her father felt the need to meddle in her love life, she would never understand. "Have you forgotten that I told you to cancel said courtship, Father?"

Her father's glare deepened as his anger flared. "You are the princess, Ariella. You do not get the luxury of choosing your partner. We need this alliance with the western people, and you are the key to it. You're being immature, and you need to grow up."

"We do not need an alliance with the western people. You are just afraid of them."

"I am." It shocked the princess to hear her father admit to his emotions. She sometimes believed her father had a lack of empathy in general. "The western nation is hidden behind their leader, and they live in secrecy. Nobody knows much about them besides the fact that they've been prospering for decades while the rest of us struggle," her father explained.

Ariella rolled her eyes. She heard the same spiel every other day. She was sick of it. She knew better than anyone that her father didn't care for the westerners' prosperity secrets. No, her father wanted to know if the rumor was true. "We also know that they have the ability to turn into animals."

The king shot her a look that meant shut up. "We don't know if that's true. That silly rumor is merely a child's tale your mother used to tell you."

Rolling her eyes and crossing her arms, Ariella said, "Whatever." She then swiftly moved toward an ottoman bench in front of a large, beautiful, arching window, placing herself gracefully onto it so she could look out toward the kingdom.

"The western delegation will be here soon, Ariella. You cannot. . . no, you will not, fuck this up. For once, do as you're told." And then her father was gone, leaving her to marinate in those parting words. For once, do as you're told.

"Prick," she murmured, watching carriages roll down the streets. Not too long after, three of her handmaids ushered into the room. One went to prepare her a bath, while the other two shuffled through her dressers and vanity. Besides the soft noises of their work, the room was quiet. Stifling a sigh, Ariella's thoughts had strayed to the delegation when one of the maids walked over to her, curtsying before saying, "My lady, your bath is ready!"

"Thank you, Natti," the princess responded. She then retired to the bathroom, dismissing the maid that tried to follow her. It never felt right to her to be bathed by another. Her nude body would be for her eyes and her lover's eyes, that's it.

The bathroom was large with white marble tiles adorning the walls and floors. The bath was porcelain, standing proudly on golden paws. As Ariella slowly slid the silky gown from her shoulders, gravity seemed eager to pull it to the ground. Looking over at the large mirror that made up one of the walls, the princess smiled with pride. Her father didn't know it, but she retires early after dinner not to get "beauty sleep" but to sneak off with Sir Kane to practice swordsmanship and sparring. Her toned stomach, firm biceps, and voluptuous thighs were the epitome of her hard work. Devouring her own image, the urge to pick up a sword nestled itself deep in her bones.

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