Chapter 1

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Everything is different. Harry Potter, once filled with joy that his Godfather is free, the next he was in Azkaban, tortured with no remorse. It was all a lie.
There is no Light or Dark. It is only those who seek power and those who are to weak to take it. He believe Everything that Dumbledore said, and to betrayed by the light.
Now he just woke up. His eyes are bandaged. All that he could see is darkness. He felt a tugging on the bandage, it was being removed. As he felt it being removed, he opened his eyes. And there he saw Albus Too-Many-Fucking-Name Dumbledore and a Red-haired woman with Beautiful emerald green eyes with a tall man with dark eyes and hair. It was his supposedly dead Mother Lily Potter nee Evans and Supposedly dead Father James Potter.
But something has changed. Everything that surrounds him is Emitting energy. It was beautiful. He could see magic itself.
As he unknowingly poured more energy into his eyes the three commas started spinning into a triangle shape with a circle inside of it and three lines.
"Explain." Harry said in a calm voice.
"Harry your trial is over the department will no long bother you. Except to assist you maste-"
With this Harry had enough of the old man's bullshit. He slammed his hand at the drawer that was beside him, causing it to crumble.
"I said explain. No more of your bullshit!" Harry yelled at the old man.
"It is better for me to show you," Dumbledore summoned a basin, "Harry this is a Peensieve. It shall allows the user to see past memor-"
"If you really think, that I would trust you after all you've done to me, then you are more senile than everyone thinks about you. You and those disgusting dregs that calls themselves my parents." Harry cut him off before he could finish his sentence.
"Please! Harry just look in it." The great manipulator pleaded. "I would even make an Unbreakable Vow."
"Do it!" Harry ordered him.
"I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, swear upon this witnesses and to magic itself, that I hold no ill will to one Harry James Potter and my actions where to help him. The pensieve is trustworthy, so mote it be." Golden light surrounded Dumbledore as both James and Lily made the same oath.
"Now will you look Harry? I promise that if you look, you'll understand my actions and as well as your parents. Please just look..."Harry stop channelling the flow of magic into his eyes as it returned to a dark shade of black. He knelt over and looked through the pensieve.
As he felt it pull him inside.

Suddenly he is in a large room at St. Mungos. This was a memory of Dumbledore. Here he saw three people.

"Lily, James... congratulations is in order, i heard you will have another child."
A happier and definitely younger version of Lilly Potter, looked at the man who spoke. The man looked so young, yet his eyes has wisdom and experience.
"Yes, Croaker we will have a baby boy, little Natasha will finally have a little brother." she said as a smile is plastered on her face. James on the other hand hugged her with an arm that encircled her.
"I'm so happy for you, Lilly and James..." the man now dubbed as Croaker said. He had that look of contemplation.
Harry suddenly felt that everything in the environment has changed.

"Hello Hawwy! I'm your big sister." a little girl that looks a lot like Lily said. She was about three years old.
Beside her was Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew

Harry felt tears glow out of his eyes. He had a big sister. He felt his heart break and his eyes started to ache. He had a sibling... and all this time it was denied from him.

A small crack was heard. It was Dumbledore.
"James, Lily, it's not safe here, Voldemort has heard about the prophecy. We need to go to Hogwarts right now." Dumbledore said.

Again the scene has changed now it was in the office of Dumbledore.

Remus, Sirius, James and Lily was standing in front of a pensieve, Dumbledore used his hand and a voice started to speak. The voice of one Sybill Trelawney.
"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark lord approaches... Born when the seventh month dies... Born to those who have thrice defied the Dark lord... The dark lord will mark him as his equal... But he shall have the powers that the Dark lord knows not... Eyes of Unmatch power and perception, through pain and misery shall be re-awakened... Eternal and unsurpassed, born through love destroyed... Love reborn to destroy the darkness... If love fails Darkness shall consume him... Darkness for eternity"
Dumbledore looked at the eyes of the horrified parents.
"Do you know the story of the son of Ignotus Peverell?" all of them nodded, "The legend of his son, Archibald Peverell. He was the only one known in the modern wizard history to have unlock the Sharingan and only one to evolve it. If your son has awakened it... Then we could transplant the eyes that Archibald has left the Department of Mysteries. We know that the blindness would be stopped and the eyes would be eternal... I know this is a double-edged sword, but it is the only chance we've got." Dumbledore Explained.
"What do you mean... How can we make him feel misery, he is our only son? Do you know how much you are asking?" James said.
At their back croaker appeared. Albus gave him access.
"James, Lily... Britain is falling, day by day. Voldemort knows of the prophecy... Albus and I think that you should leave Britain. We will send you to the French Department."
"We can't! Harry and Natasha are to young to be on the run... It's too dangerous for them." Lily said.
"That is why you are leaving Harry to the care of the Department of Mystries. While you go to France to try to decrypt and decipher the contents of the tablets of Archbald Peverelle. You shall leave as soon you said your goodbyes." croaker said.
Remus and Sirius looks like they can't beliieve what was happen. While James looks like he wants to destroy something.
But Lily, Lily had the look of resolve on her face.
"Do you, Albus and Croaker, swear on your life, magic and everything tgat you hold dear that you will protect Harry. No matter what cost. That Voldemort will not touch him. And that we will be reunited and safe once more?"
"We so swear!"
As the two of them swore a bright light has surrounded them.

Harry was suddenly expelled away from the pensieve. His mind was processing everything that he saw. Uknowingly turning on his Sharingan.
"Who were the operatives, who were those that gave up their life for me when voldemort attack? I want their names now."
"We don't know s-Harry. I'm sorry... They were both deep undercover and can't be seen. But we were the one to decipher the information about your eyes." James said trying to calm his son down.
Unfortunately it did nothing else but anger Harry once more. He felt an inch from his eyes.
"So you were the one responsible for my Torture and incarceration in Azkaban?"
Lily started sobbing quietly. As James looks at Dumbledore.
"Save your act Potter. I know you are feeling extremely guilty for all my suffering... But I know you have something to do with my torture. Even if it wasn't your idea, was it?"
James was pale, and as he knelt infront of Harry, while looking him right in the eye.
"I forgot…you do not just have a Mangekyou Sharingan. Your eyes became eternal after the transplant of our ancestor's eyes. Harry…the only way you could be safe was to get the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. We feel, Harry, that all those suffering and misery is worth the long life you will have…how can you enjoy a happy life, when you are dead? So, your life was the priority."
Harry's Eyes didn't change a bit.
"You tell the truth Potter, if only you knew the misery that I went through... Oh wait you do know, don't you?"
Lily knelt down s well, her eyes dull as it could be. Sorrow was obvious. The son she made feel misery. The son who unlock tge most powerful eye in existance.
"Harry... My baby…we are so sorry. I-I know we can never atone for your suffering… But please let us try and be your parents. Please!" asked Lily with her heart in her eyes.
Everything that was happening wasn't all connected. To many details were left unanswered. He couldn't cast them away with a fit of anger. Casting them away with cast all of those details.
The old him would have done that. But now he shall make them feel his misery, he will just use them and if he has all the information he will just throw them away. Just like what they did to him
"What of that girl, Natasha?" he asked coldly
The pained look on Lily gave him satisfaction.
"Harry, she is enrolled in Beauxbatons and she is currently sixteen. You can see her soon; she will be here at Hogwarts this year. She doesn't know of you, be too painful for her to know what happened to you…"
Lily and James saw immediately that those words were the wrong thing to say to Harry.
Harry scoffed. They were no longer family to him. Family, no matter what the reason, did not abandon their only son to misery.
"I have no wish to see her. I have no wish to see you, either, except when I deem it fit. You sacrificed my childhood for reasons you think are acceptable. I will do the same with my filial bonds, Mudblood!" Harry said coldly, watching his parents' faces crumble as he chose the most hurtful words he sould say.
Lily's emotion were all over the place, she was sad when her best friend Natalia Snape uttered those words to her, but when her son uttered it, she felt her world get torned apart.
'Let them hurt. In fact, they should hurt as much as possible and then more.' He turned to Dumbledore. Dumbledore, however, deserved to burn.
"Professor Dumbledore, I know we have a little more than a week till term starts again. I stay at the Burrow till that time. And I want to find out the names of the couple that sacrificed themselves for me. I want their names. Don't try to communicate with me, Unless I said so!"
Dumbledore, who looked sad beyond words, nodded.
Harry made to move towards the fireplace but James laid a hand on his shoulder. His…parents…were shedding tears freely at this tragic reunion.
"Harry…I know you hate us more than you can say…we deserve it and more. But please take this. It is the reason you are…our family is in such a state. It is the compilation of my entire research on the Sharingan…and the partial contents of the Archibald tablet. Please read it, it will help you master those eyes eventually."
Harry took the thick volume, bound in white leather skin.
"Goodbye, Manipulator. Puppets. The Burrow!" And with those words Harry was off. Flames have surrounded him.

'Never trust them, they would only betray you...'

End Chapter

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