A/N for your benefit not mine

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There might be a lack of updates from here on out,  reason 1 have a science mock coming up on the 13 & 15th of may I need to revise for do I'll be doing after school stuff ect. Reason 2 I'm writting a script for my work so yeh,  never wrote a script before its for my sliver arts award skipping bronze. Seemingly lazy author surprisingly seems busy all the time. Last reason I am really stuck, like I have ideas it's just having the time and mindset to form them into my normally alright writting skill. Anyways sorry if I don't keep up with normal update kinda times like every week or every other week updates.  Sorry but it'd better to inform you guys instead of leaving you all in the dark. Also I've been procrastinating on #cough# mincraft #cough cough# lot lately I'm not proud but I have my reasons, intj life bro.

Killer Instinct. (2p & 1p England x Reader) DiscontinueWhere stories live. Discover now