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I remembered when me and my old friend were very close we used to laugh at jokes we made , we used to draw together during recess , listen to music , talk about things we liked and other things . 

Now we are completely apart , it breaks my heart being like this . It's like we're strangers again , we only talk during our classes when we can . I was very excited that I was going to see her again since I transferred schools and hoped we would do the same old things we did but I guess not . Every now and then I just think of the good old days and cry 

I just remade something in gacha that represents something I used to do when I saw her every day in school

I just remade something in gacha that represents something I used to do when I saw her every day in school

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" You Know It's Not The Same As It Was , As It Was , As It Was "

It's not the same anymore 

Book of randomness °v° #2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora