Official ship names for every fan-made romantic pairing in this fic

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1. Official ship names for Sweetheart and Selever:

-Sweelever (a portmanteau of their names)

-Selheart (a portmanteau of their names)

-Slowburnshipping (because they are a slow burn pairing)

-Casawaltzshipping (a portmanteau of "waltz", a ballroom/folk dance that they do in the prologue, and "Casanova", the final song of the Mid-Fight Masses mod that is sung by Selever)

-Seventeenshipping (because they are both 17)

2. Official ship names for Rasazy and Partner

-Parzy (a portmanteau of their names)

-Raster (a portmanteau of their names)

-Bookwormshipping (because they both like reading)

-Youngloveshipping (because they are both minors)

-Fourteenshipping (because they are both 14)

3. Official ship names for Sofie and Ember

-Sofber (a portmanteau of their names)

-Emsof (a portmanteau of their names)

-Criminalshipping (because they are both hitwomen)

-Phillyshipping (because they live in Philly)

-Eighteenshipping (because they are both 18)

4. Official ship names for Bestie and Seraphina

-Beraphina (a portmanteau of their names)

-Serstie (a portmanteau of their names)

-Oppositesattractshipping (because of Bestie being half-demon and Seraphina being half-angel)

-Partiallyhumanshipping (because they are both half-human)

-ExestoLoversshipping (because they were both exes prior to the events of Chapter 16 and got back together at the end of said chapter)

A/N: I'm on a huge writer's block rn and my school year has already started so it may take long for me to post another chapter. Sorry!

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