Chapter 1: Grandpa Dearest

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Selever, Sweetheart, Partner, Rasazy and Rasazy's grandparents, Krusveto and Rschvania were currently in a café that Sweetheart and Selever were regulars at and recommended them to go to.

The cafe's walls were pink, the floors were white and the tables were brown. There were fairy lights strung around the café, which gave it a cozy feeling.

"You were right when you said that this café was nice." Rschvania said, stirring her coffee that had no sugar or cream in it. "I mean- the color isn't my thing, but I like the atmosphere." Sweetheart smiled, her wings fluttering and her pupils turning pink as she rocked back and forth while sitting on her chair.

"Beep. (Yup.)" Sweetheart beeped, taking a bite of her red velvet cake.

"That's why me and Roachy recommended this place to you guys." Selever said. Rsch then felt a throbbing pain in her forehead, making her groan and put a hand on her head.

"Rsch? Love, are you okay?" Krusveto asked, putting his hand on Rsch's other hand.

"I'm fine." Rsch said. "Just a little headache."

"Okay." Krus said reluctantly. "But tell me if it gets worse, okay?"

"Okay." Rsch said as her lover kissed her forehead.

"I don't think she's telling the truth about her headache." Partner said to his girlfriend, Rasazy.

"Neither do I." Rasazy replied. Just then, a man who was wearing a black jacket, black pants and a silver watch entered the café and walked over to the table they were sitting at. Said man wasn't wearing a shirt, revealing his chest hair.

"Hey grandpa Dearest." Partner said. Sweetheart beeped out her greeting.

"Hello you two." Dearest said. He then noticed that there were people who were sitting with his grandchildren. "Who are those people?"

"Grandpa Dearest, meet our friends, Selever, Rasazy and their grandparents, Rschvania and Krusveto." Partner said. "Selever, Rasazy, Rschvania, Krusveto, meet our grandfather, Daddy Dearest. We call him Grandpa Dearest because it's more fitting on our end."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Dearest." Rasazy said. Selever flipped Dearest off, earning himself glares from Rasazy and Krusveto.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir." Krusveto said, giving out his hand to shake.

"Likewise." Dearest said, shaking hands with Krusveto.

"Can you please put on a shirt, sir?" Krusveto asked.

"Are you sure you're just friends with my granddaughter or are you secretly dating her?" Dearest asked, ignoring the 9ft tall man and glaring at Selever.

"Wha- no!" Selever said, blushing as red as a tomato. "We're just friends."

"Nice try, boy." Dearest said, still glaring at Selever.

"Beep ba. (We're not dating!)" Sweetheart beeped, her wings twitching and her pupils flickering from red to orange. Her grandfather, however, ignored her, still glaring at Selever as he whipped out his mic.

"Rap battle me." Dearest said. "I want to see if you're good enough to date my granddaughter."

"What the [funk], dude?!" Selever said. Just then, a woman wearing a white top, an orange cardigan, a blue short skirt, white stockings and orange flats with blue bows on it, walked over to them with a tray in hand.

"Here's your orders." The woman said, putting down 2 plates in front of Selever and Krus. "Ice cream cake and Cortado."

"Thanks, Bell." Selever said.

"No problem, lil bro." Bell said. They had pink hair that is styled into two buns with bangs, small horns and big, round white eyes. One side of their skin was light gray and the other was dark gray. "If you wanna rap battle, there's an open mic tonight. Just sign here to enter." She took out a clipboard and a pen.

"Isn't that convenient?" Dearest asked, taking the pen and signing his name with no hesitation.

"I don't have a [funking] choice in this, do I?" Selever asked.

[Cue the crickets chirping]

He groaned. "Fine." He took the pen and signed his name.


Selever and Daddy Dearest walked on the stage and went into formation, with Sweetheart following suit and sitting on the speakers. Partner, Rasazy, BF, GF, Sarv, Ruv, Krus and Rsch were sitting in tables in the front row and Bell could be seen watching from the corner.

"Ready to lose, boy?" Dearest asked.

"You don't have to get so confident, y'know?" Selever said. "After all, BF beat your [a-word] at that [crappy] auditorium of yours." DD growled. Before the situation could escalate, Sweetheart clicked the start button.

Song: Bopeebo (Daddy Dearest vs Selever)

"Not bad, boy." Dearest said. "But that was just a test."

"I know." Selever said. "That was way too easy, [blip]."

"You son of a- "

Song: Fresh (Daddy Dearest vs Selever)

"Can we please go home?" Selever asked, fed up with DD's bull[crap]

"Beat me one last time, and you'll leave here unscathed and in one piece." Dearest said.

Song: Dad Battle (Daddy Dearest vs Selever)

"Now can we go?" Selever asked.

"Fine." Dearest said. "I won't try and kill you. You're free to go." Sweetheart beeped her thanks before hopping off the speakers and walking out the café, with Selever and their family members following suit.




· Rschvania (owned by Handzy)

· Sweetheart (owned by me)

· Selever (owned by Dokki.Doodlez)

· Krusveto (owned by Handzy)

· Partner (owned by me)

· Rasazy (owned by Dokki.Doodlez)

· Daddy Dearest (owned by PhantomArcade and evilsk8er)

· Bell (owned by me)

· BF (owned by PhantomArcade and evilsk8er)

· GF (owned by PhantomArcade and evilsk8er)

· Sarv (owned by Dokki.Doodlez)

· Ruv (owned by Dokki.Doodlez)


· Bopeebo (composed by Kawai Sprite)

· Fresh (composed by Kawai Sprite)

· Dad Battle (composed by Kawai Sprite)


Check out FNF: Many years later (OC edition) for more info on Bell.

A/N: Selever and Rasazy have never went to Sweetheart and Partner's house before, which is why DD didn't know who they and their family were until the events of this chapter. Sarv and Ruv didn't want their children near GF's parents, so they never allowed Selever and Rasazy to visit Sweetheart and Partner at their place.

FNF: Many years later (Selever x OC fanfic) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now