potion mishap

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"oh my goodness are you aright harry?!" hermione rushes over to the famous harry potter who is now on the ground due to an explosion.  "he will be fine miss granger, take your seat students, stand back." snape, teacher of this potions class, informed everyone as they had all gathered around in a circle to see the effects of the accident. "harry which potion were you brewing before your stupid mistake." harry, not only not responding but having a weird smirk on his face was staring at his classmate, draco. snape walked over to the table harry was working at, looking at the paper every student was assigned. on the paper was a list of potions they were meant to craft before the end of the class period. the teacher went down the list of crossed out potion names until he came to the last one. left unmarked, the love potion. snape immediately asked potter "who is the first person you looked at after the potion hit you, tell me immediately mister  potter this is no time for games." harry was still unresponsive but stood. "harry potter you are to tell me right now." a few seconds passed, the room in complete silence. harry suddenly runs over to draco, causing them both to fall on to the group, harry on top.

"get off of me you git!" draco shouts trying to push him off but being unsuccessful. "malfoy, take harry to madam pomfrey, tell her hes been hit by a love potion." snape orders. 

draco whispers to harry. "okay listen weirdo, this isnt real. you need to get off so we can cure you." harry hears this and obeys, standing up, never taking his eyes off his now lover. draco grabs harrys wrist and heads for the infirmary.

once the classroom door closes behind them, harry immediately grabs dracos wrist and pins it to the nearest wall  above his head. "p-potter.' draco says as his face turns a shade redder. harry leans in to his ear, draco feeling his breath hit his now even redder skin. "call me harry."

"listen pott-"
" call me harry."
"listen harry" draco replies trying not to stutter. "we need to get you to pomfrey, she can help you." 
"oh i dont think she can help me, i need a different type of attention than she offers."
"and what might that b-?"

harry cuts off his lover with a passionate kiss, sucking on his bottom lip almost begging for him to kiss back. which he did. time felt like it stopped for draco, he felt his knees start to weaken. but he couldnt give out, he had to take harry to the-
 harry stopped. 

time felt like it started moving again as draco came back to reality. "harry lets go, we cant do this." 
"but you liked it didnt you?" harry asks staring into dracos silver globes, removing his hands from dracos. draco looks away from harry, focusing on random things around the room. avoiding eye contact as every time harrys eyes grazed dracos, he got warm, feeling butterflies in his stomach. "your not saying no" harry reminds him of the question he asked. "well im not saying yes either" draco is trying to act as stubborn as he can, even though just a minute before he was adding on to the makeout harry started. hes not actualy feeling like this you twat, hes just under a potion gone wrong. draco thought to himself. though this hurt his feelings, he knew he couldnt let this continue or he wouldnt be able to control himself. he cant give in. draco covers his face with his hands and gives muffled speach; "lets go harry" he grabs the bewitched boys wrist just like before and starts pacing towards the infirmary. "but dracooo, i want to play some moreeeee, you cant leave me feeling like thisssss" harry drags out the ending of his words, and draco feels as though harry is getting heavier to lead. eventually he looks back at what he is now dragging as harry is on the floor. 

"get up harry, i cant drag you all the way there"
harry shakes his head
"well if u cant drag me, youre going to have to carry me"

draco goes into a halt. he feels those same butterflies again, imagining carrying harry, harry being helpless in his arms. he started feeling warm."i see your intoducing me to your friend" harry smirks and starts to crawl so his face is an inch away from dracos now growing member. "i didnt, i didnt even realize i, i was um, AH! HARRY!" draco yelps to harrys swift movement of his hand cupping dracos "friend". "harry get off of me im taking you to the-" hes cut off my harry "  yeah yeah to the infirmary i get it, but looks like you cant go now, we have to take care of your problem first." 

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