fancy dinner

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chapter four — you alright?

KYDA RAHMAN STRUGGLES TO subdue a yawn, nimble fingers fidgeting with her Cartier bracelet as she glances at the watch on her wrist, waiting patiently for her cousin to arrive. Her dark feline eyes scan the elegant restaurant, growing heavier with each passing minute. Many are still standing waiting for a table.

She's exhausted. And for that, she only had herself to blame, but not entirely. Her job and the wedding took up her whole month—she can't recall the last time she allowed herself to indulge in a self-care day.

The evidence was the puffy eyes she attempted to mask with makeup. After all, she did manage to get four hours of sleep, if you can count it as that. But at least the restaurant was beautiful. The gentle light flowing through large windows, casting the space in warm golden hues, and the ethereal classical music fluttering in the background created a relaxed ambience that made Kyda sigh in contentment.

"Sorry, I'm late."

The deep rumbling voice broke her out of trance, resonating against the walls. Sat opposite her was the same man she's been trying to avoid but couldn't because her futile tries only led them closer, without a fail. Azhar Hossen looks pristine as ever in his black suit, and it's the first time seeing him without his tie. Kyda could only lie to herself so much but she had to agree that he looks much better this way. Casual and unbothered.

"Oh, um, you're not late by any means, but our companions are for sure." She laughs breathily, not knowing the reason for her sudden high nerves.

"Abhishek mentioned he might not be able to come, something is holding up at work." He indifferently utters, not looking at her while running his fingers through his hair. And for the first time, she watches his perfectly neat hair be dishevelled, making her appreciate the dark wavy stands more than she should.


Surely Jannat would've told her by now, no? The moment her hands hover over the phone, attempting to text her, she freezes. Her message is displayed on her notifications centre loud and clear.

'Enjoy the dinner, don't kill me! I love you <3'

She studies him through the veil of her lashes, pausing as she caught him staring at her intently. His sharp cheekbones looked more prominent due to the dim lighting, grazing him with the best shadows.

His brow rose slightly. "You alright?"

She thought it was impossible, but her face began to gather more heat. Kyda wishes to be buried alive, for someone to end her misery once and for all. Sensing the way Kyda was becoming overwhelmed, he slouches back in his seat, further opening his legs under the table before silently urging her to speak.

"No, I mean, yes," she bit her tongue in retaliation before rolling her eyes at herself. "Jannat texted me as well, saying she can't make it either. I think they're trying to set us up."

The corner of his lips twitches, eyes crinkling slightly before releasing a short breath, "I figured," he lets out a dry laugh, "They're not at fault, we did put on a good show for them."

A stark blush coated the apple of her cheeks before laughing alongside, "I guess you're right."

He nods softly. The silent air cracked as the waiter approached their table, handing them a menu. Kyda murmurs a quick thank you before glancing at the cursive words. She couldn't decipher half of them.

Kyda purses her lips, sheepishly sneaking a glance across the table, "We shouldn't let this opportunity go, I've heard the food here is amazing."

Azhar's fingers stopped playing with the edges of the menu as his attention shifted to her. His eye contact is too intense, it just makes her squirm in her seat. Kyda watches as his tongue darts out, swiping over his lips and her eyes drop at the innocent action before quickly flickering them back up. "You're right, order whatever you want, it's on me."

A laugh bubbles out of her, resulting in her hair falling to one side only to shake her head. "Don't be ridiculous, you don't have to."

She watches as he rests his forearms on the table, "I insist, I've put you through enough, so please let me." His smooth tone filters her body, consuming her. Clearing her throat, she crosses her legs, brushing down the fabric on her stomach, smoothing it out, but she didn't miss the way his eyes follow the small movement; the way his tongue peeks out from the corner of his lips only to increase the fluttering feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Okay, but don't blame me if you're broke after this."

Azhar's posture alters, slouching slightly, leaning back against the leather cushion and that's when she the material of his trousers brushes the side of her thighs. She assumes she'd hear him breathe out a small 'sorry' but instead his lips coil into a lopsided smile, glancing away to take a sip of his complimentary beverage.

"My bank account can take a little hit, don't worry."

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