grocery list

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g r o c e r y

chapter five — let me do it for you

IT NEVER OCCURS TO BROWN PARENTS to let someone know about things beforehand, not even giving notices beforehand. And in Azhar Hossen's case, he got a twenty-minute notice in advance: a one-minute phone call from his mother saying 'Beta, I couldn't do the groceries today, I'm sending you the list so please bring them on your way back home'. Not even a hi, hello or even a please or thank you. His train of thoughts got interfered with by an old lady, her heavily creased eyes peering up at him, "Could you move? you're blocking everyone's way."

Scrunching his eyebrows together, he grimaces, though it is his fault in this case as he stood in the cereal aisle, hindering their path. "Fuck, sorry," he grumbles quickly only to make the lady's face drop in disgust, thinking he would list more profanities. Without looking back, he began to move his cart, directing it to a different lane.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry—"

Again, someone bumps their shopping cart with his' and he almost releases a chain of curses only to come to view the familiar Indian brunette who has been living rent-free in his mind for the past few weeks. Kyda's hair was tied into a ponytail with a white silky ribbon, only letting a few loose strands flow over her crimson-tinted cheeks, framing her face effortlessly.

Her eyes expand, almost making them look doe-shaped. No response is uttered, giving him the perfect opportunity to glide his eyes over her figure that was mostly covered by a white camisole dress; the deep neckline doing wonders for her luscious skin as she glows under the bright industrial lights. Those thin straps that were resting on her tan shoulders were taunting enough but the chattering around them taunts him further.

Her warm, russet irises locked with his, her lips weren't pursed tightly as she usually greeted him with, today she graces him with a toothy grin.

"Do you always happen to know where I am or is it just a coincidence?" Kyda twists on her heels halfway, sending him an amused look, puckering her brows adorably.

Parting her plump lips, she asses him before oozing out a small laugh, "No, I actually happen to enjoy doing the groceries, but it seems as though it might not be the same case for you."

"I'm not even surprised after finding out how picky you are with your snacks."

Kyda juts her hip out, gasping, feigning offence by placing her hand over her hand but it only leads his gaze to drop at the expanse of her long, bronzed legs, but he's quick to divert it back to her face. "Okay, but hey, at least my tie isn't crooked."

At that, Azhar looks down to check for himself and indeed his tie is slanted. After pulling it out of frustration it must've resulted in this disaster. "It happens more often than you could imagine."

"I see..." She halts, examining him fixing his own mistake but a smile reappears. "And you're only making it worse by the way."

At least one of them is finding this situation hilarious. Fiddling with the smooth fabric a bit longer he releases a small huff, "Is it straight now?"

Kyda's bottom lip gets pulled by her teeth, as a means to hide her a very evident grin before shaking her head. "No, you just made it worse—" she doesn't allow him to process her comment which is accompanied by a breathy chuckle as her fingertips made their way towards his tie. "—here, let me do it for you."

Azhar inhaled her scent due to their new proximity and if he didn't know she smelled like cherries before, he certainly did now. He watches as her upturned nose scrunches up in pure focus, the way her eyelashes flutter and only now does he sees that her face is bare. In this position, he has the ability to see every detail and every crevice. He just saw it all, the way her brows were naturally thick, the way she has a round cupid's bow and that she has the tiniest beauty mark under her left eyebrow.

They must look like newly weds and the thought sent Azhar into oblivion.

Patting his chest, she takes a step back before staring back up at him, "There, done."

"Thank you, and I know this will sound stupid but if you are not busy, could you help me pick the meats? I really can't tell a fucking difference." Azhar receives another breathy laugh and at this point, he'd always act like an idiot if it meant he could continue to hear that melodious laugh.

He perceives how her lips are itching to curl upwards but stops herself from doing so, "You're a grown adult, and you still can't notice the difference?"

Putting his lips into a tight-lipped smile he can only nod. She sighs before rotating her trolley, placing it on the side so that other customers could slide through. Slowly, she advances close, fleetingly pushing me aside before tiling her neck down, providing me with her pretty side profile. Her cute nose scrunches up at the raw scent, nearly trickling a laugh out of him.

"Would you like to purchase chicken legs, thighs, breasts or wings?" She vocalises, whipping her head up, craning her face closer to him, and sanctioning him to inhale her fruity scent again.

Azhar remains confused but watches her in a perplexed manner, "All of them?"

She cracks another smile, showing off her radiance, "Just pass me aunt Ferdous' list."

And from that point on she had control. Kyda did all the picking and is already speaking with the man behind the counter, conveying his order. In the meantime, he observed her stance. Her cart was fairly full, mainly with snacks, varying from different crisps brands, crackers and fizzy drinks which he could only assume were for herself. Beneath them all, if you looked carefully enough, you could get a glimpse of the vast amount of vegetables.

The noise of someone clicking their fingers brought me back to reality. Kyda's head was tilted to one side, ponytail slanted at the motion, her tongue teasingly flicked out, tracing the edges of her plump lips, wetting them, "He packed them all for you, but you came too late because they're out of the jumbo shrimps."

"That's fine, thank you for helping," He shoots her a quick smile, "Couldn't have done it without you."

Her perfectly shaped eyebrows elevate, eyelashes batting softly, baffled at my sarcastic words. She scoffs playfully, playing along, "Be grateful I even bothered."

"Yeah, I truly am."

"Good, anyway, you've got everything?" She queries with curiosity.

"Yes, this is it."

They both walk to the cash counter and as they both stand in line, he allows her to go first but when she completes putting her items on the sensor, she places his' as well. It's as if this was a common occurrence. And it was at this moment it finally clicked for Azhar Hossen, that maybe he could make the speculations about them into reality. That maybe, Kyda Rahman is worth more than mere gossip.

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