Adventure time!

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Tws- Cursing

3rd person POV
"I'm telling you, Tommy! It's one of my best ideas yet!" Tubbo said to his best friend in the whole world on the phone.

"Listen, man, I'm all in for going on badass adventures and shit and breaking rules. But not when it comes to the prince of the end." Tommy said with a hint of hesitation in his voice.

"Oh, come on, man! It's going to be the best adventure we've ever had in a while! Please, boss man!!" Tubbo begged his friend to come along.

"Okay, okay! I'll come with you. I'm kinda curious to see what the prince or whatever looks like and the world." He said.

Tubbo could practically hear Tommy's eye roll as he spoke.

Tubbo smiled widely. "Perfect! I'll come around your place in 20!" Tubbo jumped up from his bed and ran over to his closest.

"Alright, bud. See you then!" Tommy smiled and hung up.

Tubbo put his phone in his pocket and searched his closet for some kind of dark clothing.

A few minutes later, he finally found a black hoodie, black mask, black dress shoes, and black jeans.

He smiled and checked the time.

'Ten minutes left! Perfect!' He thought to himself. He grabbed his already-packed bag and took off running towards the window.

He unlocked the window locks, and he then grabbed the rope he had hanging down for when Tommy would come in. He soon began to climb down it.

Once he reached the bottom, he carefully and quietly snuck into the tall grass towards Tommy's house.

After a few minutes, he reached Tommy's house on time. He gently knocked on the door to not wake up Tommy's father or brothers.

The door opened slowly. It was Tommy.

"Hey Tubs, is the portal still there?"

"Yeah, it'll be there for a while. At least until the Prince's crowning, " I said with a smile.

"Pog! Alright, let's get going before we get caught." Tommy smiled, and we then began our journey back.

Once we had gotten back to the castle, the guards were just chatting amongst themselves, not paying attention. We took this opportunity and snuck past.

We entered the portal, and everything began spinning around and turning purple. The last thing we saw was the guards looking at the portal in confusion. Guess they didn't notice?

We had gotten out of the portal, immediately feeling like throwing up from all the spinning.

After a while, we calmed down. We began to walk toward the town.

My eyes widened. The town was absolutely beautiful.

Every building was on a floating platform. As he continued to walk down the town.

As we continued to walk through town..that's when we saw it. The Prince's castle...

The bad thing was that guards were surrounding the castle.

"Shit...why are there so many guards?!" Tommy whisper shouted.

"Probably to protect the Prince? I don't know..."

We both hid behind a pillar from where the end crystals used to rest.

That's when I had an idea.

"I packed a few ender balls. Why not use those?" I looked at Tommy.

"Toby, there's no one else here. All the Enderman are in the overworld, so they would be suspicious for when we land." He said.

"Yeah, but you never know until you try." I smiled at him, I grabbed an ender ball from my bag.

I held out my hand for Tommy to grab onto. He hesitated for a second, then grinned. He knew he couldn't resist a little bit of danger.

He took my hand, still grinning. I brought the ender ball up to my head. I looked over at the guards who were...dancing around..? I was very confused but shook my head.

I threw it to the side of the castle, and we had immediately landed, feeling that dizzy feeling.

"Goodness, I hate that shit, man!" Tommy whisper-shouted.

"What was that?!" I heard a female voice say. Aimsey?

"It's probably nothing." Freddie.

"Yeah, you're just imagining shit, Aimsey." Billzo!

"Come on, Tommy! Let's figure out a way to get in!" I smiled at him.

He nodded, and we began to explore ways to get in.


Anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter! I wanted to make it kinda short to be able to not use all ideas so I can write more chapters!

The next chapter might be longer????? I have NO idea lmao.

I just wanted to get something posted. I'm sorry if the ending is horrible. It's currently 1:21AM, and I'm very tired.

Love you all!!
Word count: 790
-Published: 3/31/23
-updated ?/??/??
-Ace <3

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