Chapter 1

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New School

Thursday, October 6th

Y/N's POV 

    I woke up to my alarm and lousily got up to get ready for school. Once I opened my closet doors I was unpleasantly surprised with the lack of clothing I had Damn I need some more clothes... I ended up grabbing ripped denim jeans with a baggy tee shirt. I then brushed my teeth and hair and quickly grabbed my shoes and bag so I could head off to the bus stop. Right before I left I realized I almost forgot my lunch. I quickly grabbed my lunch out of the fridge and left. On the way to school my parents were constantly messaging me asking if I was okay and saying that I could call them whenever. They ended the call after saying that if I feel like I wanted to call home then to go to the office and say I was sick so they could pick me up. I reassured them that I would be just fine going through the whole school day, said I love you to them, and then they ended the call.

Peter's POV

    After waking up to my shitty alarm I got up and started to get dressed but not even 2 minutes after I got dressed my mom barged into my room "GET YOUR LAZY ASS DOWNSTAIRS NOW"

    "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Bitch. She then slammed the door shut and I grabbed my bag. Dumb ass whore telling me to come downstairs and then slamming my door shut. After I grabbed my bag I immediately left for school. I started my truck and stopped at the gas station to grab a quick snack. The cashier looked as though they were trying to hold back a laugh as I got some cash out of my wallet.


    Once I looked out the window I realized that I was here. Holy hell this place is massive how the fuck am I gonna find my classes!? Once I got off of the bus I tripped on a rock and a kid with short green and black spiky looking hair ran up to me and helped me up. "Hey! Are you okay?"

    "Yeah. I'm fine I think I bruised my knee though."

    "Here, let me help you." He then kneeled down and started to help me gather my things. "So are you new? I haven't seen you around."

    "Yeah I just moved here from California. My name's Y/N by the way."

     "Oh! My aunt lives there. My names Tk."

    "That's cool! Uhm- can you help me find my classes?" You then handed him your schedule and waited for an answer.

    "Yeah! Although just to let you know, you have most of your classes with Peter King. He isn't really nice but as long as you don't annoy him too much you should be fine. Also if he starts to pick on you, just ignore him."

    "Oh, is he like, the principals student or something?"

    "Haha no he's just a complete asshole. But I can meet up with you after your classes to help you get to your next one."

    "Okay that's fine!" As we got up to walk to our classes a girl in a magenta tank top and black baggy sweats walked up to us. "Hey Tk! Ooo~ gotta new friend?"

    "Can it, Lucy." Tk said.

    "Aww come on don't be like that!" She then looked over at me with a playful look and said "So, what's your name?"

    "My  name is Y/N."

    "Ooooo! I like it! Where are you guys going?"

     "I'm taking Y/N to her first class, wanna come with?"

     "Hell yes!" After Tk and Lucy dropped me off at my first class, I noticed the teacher was already talking. So I waited for him to finish his sentence and then tapped his shoulder.

     "Ah! Our new student! You must be Y/N. Class! Everyone say hello to Y/N!" Everyone mumbled the same words in an annoyed tone.

    "Hello Y/N." I giggled softly and the teacher pointed to my assigned seat. A couple minuetes later another kid with long black hair walked in.

    "Peter. You're late. Considering you don't find detention as bad as it should be, you will be taking our new student, Y/N to and from all their classes on top of having to go to detention." The whole class started laughing as I sat there very unamused because Tk told me to stay away from him. Maybe he isn't as bad as he seems? Peter then laughed and took his seat. After class I was going to try and sneak away when someone stopped me. 

    "Where do you think your going?" I looked over my shoulder and saw this tall man standing behind me. Shit. 

     I thought of an answer and finally said "Tk told me to meet up with him for my next class."

    "Well then I guess we'll be waiting for him together." Peter said.

    "No! I mean- it's okay! I can wait for him on my own." I replied.

    "Y'know what? Why don't you hand me your schedule, nerd."

    "I am not a nerd!!" He then looked down at me as if I had just insulted something he loved dearly. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like tha-" I was quickly cut off by him grabbing both of my wrists and telling me to hand him my schedule. I finally gave in and did what I was told. He then dragged me to my next class with him. The next few classes where all the same. I get introduced, they say random shit, Peter drags me to my next class, I was already so bored. Then I remembered. It's almost lunch time.. that means I get to leave his side! Right when class ended I ran to my locker and then remembered FUCK I don't know where the cafeteria is. That's when I heard someone slam their hand against the locker next to me.

    "What the FUCK do you think your doing! You cannot run off like that!" He said angrily.

     "I'm sorry! I thought that I could go to lunch by myself though." I replied. He then again grabbed my wrist which was now starting to hurt and pulled me to the cafeteria. Once we got there he sat me down at Tk and Lucy's table and then sat down next to me.

     "What's with mr.emo boy?" Lucy said.

    "Don't fucking call me that you bitch faced slut." Peter snapped back. I ignored everything that was going on and just ate my food. I mean, this was lunch not how to be a bitch class. I looked at the note my parents left me "Hope school is going good so far, remember to call us anytime love you! Xoxo" I smiled at the note and put it in my Pocket. 

    "Y/N! Are you listening!?" Tk said


     "Why didn't you wait for me?" Tk said in an annoyed tone.

     "Peter has to take me to every class."


     Once lunch was over Peter sat down next to me at my next class. The entire class he was mumbling and poking at me. Thankfully, we didn't have our next class together so that was a breeze. At our last class he sat next to me AGAIN and I was thankfully relaxed enough to the point where I didn't tell him off out of annoyance. After school was over I grabbed my bag, headed home and passed out on my bed.

Peter's POV

     Oh my god I can't believe Y/N. They're so perfect and adorable. Once I got home I couldn't stop writing and thinking about them. I love them so much!! They're so beautiful and sweet! They'll be mine someday I know it!

That's all for today! I might upload again tomorrow but if I don't then I'm sorry! Have a nice day/night!

Words: 1305

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