Chapter 2

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A new feeling

Friday, October 7th


    I woke up at around 12 am to go get a glass of water. On my way to the kitchen, I saw a light peering through the hallway. As I walked closer to the light cautiously I stepped on a creaky board that seemed to have caught the attention of whatever was in the kitchen and I braced myself for... "Dad?"

  "Hey Y/N! I just came down here to get some watermelon. Want some? How was school by the way? Me and your mother came your room to check on you but you were already asleep. Have a long day?"

  "Yeah. It was still a good day also I'm fine I'm not hungry right now. I'm just gonna grab some water and go back to bed okay?" I'm so stupid why would someone be inside of my house going through the fridge.

  "Alright! Well goodnight, love you."

     "Love you too, dad. Goodnight." I quickly grabbed some water and went back to my room upstairs. After finishing my water I went back to bed only to wake up again to my alarm. Ugh it's been like 6 minutes what the hell. I went to my closet and grabbed some gray sweets and a white long sleeve. I then grabbed my bag and lunch and walked to the bus stop. Once I made it to school I tried my damn hardest to avoid Peter but that didn't work all too well because at third hour once we left class he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the men's restroom and locked the door after making sure no one was there with us. Why does he keep dragging me everywhere? Why did he take me here of all places? Those two questions swarmed my head like bees.

  "Why have you been avoiding me, nerd? Scared of me? Did that Tk kid say something?" He scolded.

  "No, no. You've just been really controlling and a dick to me and my friends."

    "Do you really want to say some dumb ass shit like that to me? Especially with that tone of voice? I think you need a punishment." Before I could say anything, he raised his fist and punched me in the eye. After that, he dropped me onto the ground and left. I went to the nurses office to get an eyepatch and had to constantly tell the nurse that I was just being clumsy. At lunch, I sat down with Tk and Lucy and their expressions immediately changed once they looked at my face.

  "Y/N! What happened? Are you okay?" They both strangely said it at the same time.

  "Yeah! Yeah! I'm fine, it's just-"

  "Was it that emo bitch!? I swear to god he's gonna get suspended for that!"

    "What is up with people cutting me off.? And no you aren't gonna tell anyone about this it's just gonna piss him off more. Now please let me eat my lunch without thinking about my eye." I opened my bag before they could respond and looked for my note. No note today? Weird. I finished my food and headed to my next class. Thank god school is almost over. I cannot take much more of this. My first class sitting next to Peter wasn't all that bad although it felt as though he was piercing holes through my scull with his big blue eyes. Now that I think about it, they're actually really pretty. Too bad they don't match his attitude. My next class was also really easy.. is what I would've said if that was true! We had a pop quiz! It took me forever to finish and I'm pretty sure I failed it. Damn I really need to pay attention in that class more. My final class was a breeze but, Peter was gone? He was supposed to be in class but eh he's probably just ditching. On the way home I felt as though someone was staring right at my body and I was really starting to feel unsettled. I ran right into my house and hid in my room. Once my parents got home we ate dinner and talked about our days. Once I got back to my room and changed. But I couldn't get the feeling of someone watching me to leave...

Words:  715

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