02; pre-calculus

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[8:04 am]

chatter filled the first period pre-calculus class at this early hour. their teacher was absent, leaving them with a substitute.

the students were separated into their cliques: the popular kids, the kind of popular kids, and the normal kids.

the majority of the class were popular kids and there were only three of the normal kids in that particular pre-calculus class: a (h/c)ette, a dark green haired boy and a dark haired boy with two turquoise braids.

the (h/c)ette doodled in her sketchbook as she spoke with her friends. "hey, guess who xiao and i saw at work yesterday?" she asked the braided boy.

"mmmmm," the boy laid his head on his desk and thought. "i dunno, [name], xiao?" he guessed.

[name] rolled her eyes. "no, you dumbass. xiao was working with me."

"oh, yea, right."

"we saw scaramouche," xiao, the dark green haired boy, said as he proceeded to watch youtube videos on his school-issued laptop.

"ohh," venti said. "the short popular guy with the bowl cut! i hate him!"

"me too," xiao agreed.

she lifted her head and looked at the two boys with wonder. "why do you guys hate him?" [name] asked. "what's he like?"

☆ [REWRITE] grocery store girl ! scaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now