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ok hi everyone :)

i'm gonna rewrite this!

thank u for the suggestions/comments and answering my little poll thing for those that did :)

i'm going to keep the story the same, but i am going to change the current chapters a little bit (spelling and stuff).

i don't wanna change them too much bc seeing ur guys' comments are really funny and i like to read them (altho i don't reply or anything rly...) and yk how wattpad removes the entire comments on one sentence if even a space is changed in that sentence (it's so annoying).

i am going to change the timeline a little bit probably and add some new chapters within the already existing ones to make the story not seem as quick.

i might also change it to be set in a university and not high school bc i'm scared of wattpad taking stuff down (altho there's nothing explicitly nsfw in here, it's still a little tiny bit spicy).

as i'm rewriting, i'm going to take all the chapters down and then slowly post them once they're edited.

this'll probably be a slow process bc i'm busy with stuff in my last month of high school like ap exams (oh my gosh i'm graduating in may WHAT no way it's been too little time)

i'll start sometime this week (probably tomorrow?) and then have the first chapter out by the end of the week (i hope).

thank you guys for reading still, especially since it's been discontinued for almost a year.. :))

have a fantastic day/night <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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