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If you told Niklaus Mikaelson two and a half years ago that he would have a daughter and a boyfriend, he would have laughed at you, then probably have killed you. He never thought that he, a one thousand year old vampire, would ever be where he is today. He never thought that he would have the chance to be happy, but he is grateful everyday for the small family that he has made in the past couple years.

Lucien and Nik currently sat in the living room of their shared apartment watching Ryden play with a stuffed wolf that Lucien gave her for her first birthday. In the last six months, the three have become a small family. A dysfunctional family, but still a family.

The two watched as the little girl stopped playing with her toys and started trying to get up. She has succeeded in taking a couple steps in the past, but she couldn't walk more than that. The girl stood up and took a couple shaky steps forward. Lucien moved off the couch and onto the ground so he could catch her if she were to start falling. Ryden didn't fall until she reached Lucien's arms, who was then sucked into a vision that the little girl was having.

Elijah Mikaelson is seen entering a cafe. He glances around, seemingly trying to find an open seat, when he spots his brother. Niklaus looks over his shoulder towards the door, making eye contact with his brother. Nik quickly and discreetly grabs Ryden and speeds out the back door, dialing Lucien on his way back to the apartment. "Elijah found me at Wendy's cafe, I don't know if he saw Ryden. We need to leave."

Lucien is thrown out of the vision, only to meet his lover's worried eyes staring at him and their daughter. "What did you see darling? You look very pale." The worry in Nik's voice is clear. He had seen his daughter's eyes go white and knew that she could bring people in her visions through contact, but being on the other side of one of them was quite disturbing. Lucien's eyes had turned white, as had Ryden's, but the man's seemed to be darting back and forth, almost like he was watching a tennis match.

"Elijah is on his way here. He found you in Wendy's cafe and you left, but didn't know if he saw Blue or not. You called me and told me that we were leaving, but I don't know when this is going to take place. It could be tom-" Lucien was cut off before his nervous rambling could continue.

"Lucien, love, you need to take a deep breath. I will have some people come pack up the apartment and we will be out of here by the end of the day." Nik's soothing voice calmed the slightly younger man a tad. Not trusting his voice, Lucien just nodded.

"Père okay?" Both men's eyes widened as they stared at each other and then slowly turned their heads to look at Ryden. Said girl only looked at the two with wide innocent eyes, her head slightly tilted. The men stared at her with their mouths agape.

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