818 68 25

Whitmore College

March 2011

"I still don't understand why we're here. If either of your dads find out I'm as good as daggered."

Ryden rolled her eyes at her Uncle and his complaining. No matter how many times she explained it, or how many times he saw her vision, he still wouldn't stop bothering her about 'why they were there'.

"I don't know how many times I'm going to have to explain this, Uncle Kol. We're here to save a vampire from being experimented on. He will be a very useful ally to us if we help him now. If we leave him, he gets saved years from now by people who won't be fond of us. Besides, you know me. I love collecting people for my little army in the making." Ryden's soft voice filled the atmosphere in the car, holding a tone that told Kol that she wasn't leaving until she had her new 'pet'.

Kol was given the duty to protect his niece for the week while Lucien and Nik were on a vacation for their five year wedding anniversary. Finn was off exploring the world, and Ansel had been going around the globe recruiting werewolves for when Nik broke his curse and was able to make hybrids. Thus, leaving the most irresponsible of the bunch to take care of the wild teen in the family.

Safe to say that Kol was going to be in so much trouble for this.

While Kol was daydreaming, Ryden took the opportunity to exit the car and head into the building where her 'bestie to be' was waiting. Ryden had been planning this mission for months. She had six different daylight rings, just so the vampire had options, blood bags, knives, vervain, and fake blood.

Her plan was simple.

Plant some fake blood on her neck where she used makeup to look like a vampire bite, scream and cry to catch someone's attention from Augustine, enter the building where Lorenzo was being held, drop the act, knock everyone unconscious, and let Lorenzo have a field day after she rescued him.

The plan was working too. She had made it into the lab after knocking all the doctors unconscious and was now searching for a certain british vampire. Making her way to a room full of cages, Ryden did nothing to hide the disgusted and sad expression on her face.

Grounding herself, she focused on the mission at hand. She honed in her senses and followed the smell of blood that led her to an occupied cage. She smiled slightly as she laid eyes on the man she was looking for.

"I've been looking for you for the past half hour. Did you have to be so quiet?"

Enzo's head snapped to the door of his cage when he heard the angelic voice speak. Looking through the bars he saw the most beautiful face he had ever laid eyes on. The girl had piercing blue eyes, long curly brown hair, and a kind smile that made his undead heart stutter in his chest. His jaw dropped as he stared at her, but she did nothing but smile kindly at him and begin rummaging through a bag she had on her shoulder.

He slowly made his way to the front of his cage, still weak from the lack of blood and multiple torture sessions he went through that morning. He watched her take out a bag of rings, a change of clothes, and finally blood bags. The sight of the blood caused his face to morph, veins creeping below his eyes and fangs protruding from his gums. He began to look away from the girl, not wanting to scare her, but her voice stopped him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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