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"Sail away, you can fly.
On this wings of freedom you can reach the sky."
(inspired by the song Sail Away)

I've always wanted to write a story where Eiji teaches Ash what true freedom is by going sailing with him.
It's also a story where Eiji teaches Ash that, unlike all other people he loved, he will stay. And not just for now but forever.

I hope you still enjoy this story

When Eiji had told him he would show him what pure freedom looked like on his birthday, he hadn't expected this.

Eiji had driven the car out of Izumo; no matter how often he had asked him, he just wouldn't reveal where they were going.

Ash had looked around, trying to guess where Eiji could possibly take him. He knew this street. It was a highway along the ocean leading to a beach they had spent the weekend a few times. If you continued further, you reached some cliffs and a little harbor. If you took a turn before that, you passed the temple Eiji had shown him once. If you drove a bit farther than that, beyond the little harbor, you reached a white lighthouse on a cliff.

So, several options were possible, and he hadn't managed to narrow them down. Eiji had just told him to take a wind - and waterproof jacket with him. What the hell? He knew by now that Izumo could get windy, but it was August and the middle of summer. He wouldn't need a jacket in this summer heat. Eiji just shook his head at his stubbornness and smiled mysteriously at him. The only hint he had revealed was that they'd go swimming.

Then, Eiji had stopped the car at the side of the road and had asked him a weird question. Honestly, after two years as a couple, he should have known better...

"Ash, do you trust me?"

He had looked at Eiji in confusion, wondering why he'd ask that out of nowhere. Eiji had looked at him in that intense way he had, smiling happily at him. If he wore that angelic smile, he was usually up to something. Eiji knew he trusted him, so he knew the answer. So, why would he ask him such a question? Just for reassurance? Eiji saw his confusion and gave him a more detailed explanation.

"I'd like to lead you to my surprise, but if you see where we're going, you'll guess what it is. Would you cover your eyes for me?"

Ash had stared at him for a moment, then at the blindfold in Eiji's hand. To his relief, it wasn't a blindfold but a headband he sometimes wore when running in the mornings.

His first thought had been to deny Eiji's request immediately. He'd been blindfolded multiple times, and it had never ended well. Not for him, at least. Then, he remembered that Eiji had asked that and that he was in Japan now, where he was safe. So, he changed his mind, smiling at him.

With Eiji, he'd be fine. He'd never hurt him. He trusted him unconditionally. Besides, he recognized the familiar item, which put him at ease. And he saw in Eiji's eyes a hint of concern. Eiji had probably guessed his thoughts again.

"Ash, you don't have to do it. It's your choice. It was just a spontaneous idea..."

He saw the guilt in Eiji's eyes. His eyes had darkened, and his eyes were downcast, avoiding his gaze. He had just realized that his idea would trigger terrible memories in him and wished he could undo that suggestion. He had grabbed his hand to assure him he'd never ask for anything without his consent. Ash loved how Eiji always considered his feelings first and tried to be considerate of his past experiences. It was what he loved about him.

"It's fine, Eiji. I'll do it. But I have one request. Please talk to me until I can lift the blindfold so I know you're by my side. I trust you, Eiji. Always."

Sailing Towards Eternity - An Ash Lynx Birthday Fic Where stories live. Discover now