Hey, Dream...

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

I woke up when Nightmare's cold hand touched my bare arm. I turned to him and opened my eyes, seeing a gentle look accompanied by a small frown. "We're at your house, (Y/N)." I sighed and got out of the car, seeing Nightmare hesitate slightly. When he did get out, he seemed nervous. "What's wrong?" "I was thinking, since you got to meet my brother, maybe...I could meet your family?" I immediately turned away from Nightmare. "I don't think it's a good idea, Nightmare . My mom, she's...she's not really...uh..." "Go on," "She's kinda, um...you two just wouldn't get along. Or maybe you would get along really well. There's no in-between."

One of Nightmare's tentacles wrapped itself around my waist as he walked up behind me. "I understand, Darling. In all honesty, I felt the same way about having you meet Dream. Actually, I was worried he may take you from me. That his positive aura would cause you to  fall for him instead..," he said, his voice quiet and sultry. "I'm sorry, Nightmare. If you told me, I-" "But you wanted to, right? I don't want to upset you anymore than I probably have."

I sighed, his version of guilt tripping way obvious, but also really effective. "Fine, Nightmare. But don't say I didn't warn you. It's also really late, in case you were dense." Nightmare checked the time on the phone and went 'Oh' before looking back at me nervously. "Yes, you can spend the night, you dumb octopus." Nightmare's tentacle draped itself over my shoulders as we walked back into the house quietly. We snuck into my bedroom and I locked the door quickly, in case Cole was awake still.

It was almost immediately that Nightmare was trying to get me to cuddle with him. For fucks sake, he's a King and a God. Have some decency, man. "Nightmare, let me get ready for bed, first," I said, my voice raspy and tired from all the crap from today. "Fine, but you better hurry," he said, covering his face like a child. I rolled my eyes and started undressing, getting changed into my night-clothes. "Okay, you can look," I said, watching Nightmare peek from behind his hands before removing him.

"Do you...have anything I may change into?" he asked, turning away slightly. "Nope, you're too tall, you goopy jerk." Nightmare seemed to get more nervous, turning his back to me. "Can you close your eyes, then, please?" I cocked an eyebrow, but closed my eyes nonetheless. It was a while before he finally let me open them. He'd discarded his jacket and shirt, leaving him in his shorts and slippers. He was trying to cover his bare ribcage with his hands, apparently forgetting he had tentacles.

"D-Do I look okay?" he asked, his voice quiet and soft. "You look really handsome, Nighty," I said, using the nickname he liked. I say liked, but really it just made him embarrassed. His face turned bright cyan and he covered his mouth with his arm. "Thank you, Darling..," he said, before sitting on the edge of the bed. I smiled and rolled my eyes before getting under the covers, watching Nightmare get underneath as well.

He seemed more nervous than normal as he opened his left arm to allow me in. "Is everything alright, Nighty?" He turned his head away from me, though I could still see the bright blush on his cheeks. "I just...I'll be having your bare skin on my bare bones...I don't-..." He kept talking, but I couldn't hear it because he got much quieter. "What was that?" "N-Nothing, you'll judge me," he said quickly. I was going to press him, but decided against it. He would only get quieter and less cuddly.

I leaned my head into him and let my arms go around his thin body. His cold, tar-covered arms shakily made their way around me. His breath became uneven and faster. "You sure you're alright?" "Mhm, yes, I'm...I'm alright. I always am with you, my Darling." I felt my cheeks heat up a bit. The thoughts of the earlier events flooded back, and my mood was back. I know it was probably upsetting Nightmare, but I can't help how I feel.

~Nightmare's POV~

(Y/N) had been acting different since they woke up. They've been rude and sarcastic, even if it is all in a joking matter. I'd be lying if I said it didn't sting a little. I watched as they laid in my arms, their mouth in a soft frown. Pain and sadness were looming off them, their negative aura only fueling me. Even if it felt terrible knowing I couldn't cheer them up, it also filled me with immense strength. 

I rested my skull against my Darling's head, feeling them shift again. The soft skin of their arms was now against my bare ribs, causing a feeling of warmth and arousal to pulse through my SOUL. I tried to keep my composure, but when their big, (E/C) eyes looked up at me, I lost it. I allowed myself to indulge and rested my mouth on their forehead in an attempt of a kiss. Without lips, it is a bit hard (hehe, hard. like noot-). 

They smiled softly, although there was no happiness behind it. Were they...already falling out of love with me? Did I do something wrong? I felt their bpdy shift again, they were moving away form me. They must hate me or something. I got out of the bed, which only caused (Y/N) to pull the covers closer to themself. "I'll be right back, alright?" They nodded absentmindedly and I used the darkness of my room to teleport into the Base, specifically the field Dream was in.

He was laying in the field of grass and multicolored Gerberas, playing with his crown. I sat beside him, which caused him to turn to me. "You're not wearing a shirt, brother?" "I was heading to sleep with (Y/N)." Dream simply turned back towards his crown. "I need some advice, Dream. About (Y/N)." Dream turned to me again before sitting up, putting his crown back onto his pristine, white skull. "Alright, I'll try to help."

"I...I think they've fallen out of love with me, Dream. They've been so...upset, today. And not just today, it's gone on since we started seeing each other. They told me they had feelings for me as well, so why does it feel as if they were just...oh, Gods, was it just pity? Do they not even care about me? Is that was everything was, was it-"

"Nightmare, stop." I turned to see Dream. His eyes were dull and less golden than normal. I noticed the flowers around us were starting to wilt. "I don't think it was pity, brother. And I don't think they've fallen out of love with you," I smiled a bit in relief, "but I also don't think they were ever in love with you." "W-What?" It felt like my SOUL was breaking and I felt my eye start to water. "You heard me, brother. It seems like they maybe thought they liked you, but didn't once you started dating. Have you done anything differently?"

I took them for granted. I assumed because they reciprocated that they had the same, intense feelings I did. I promised them passion, yet I'm too timid to kiss them anywhere beside the forehead. "I see...is there any way I can...fix it?" "Why would you want to? You could find someone els-" "No! There's-! ...there's no one like (Y/N)..," I said. I felt tears start to drip down my face, and I quickly wiped at them with my arm. "I...I see, brother. In that case, I can only suggest a memory erasure potion. Sci would be able to help with that."

"Erase...their memories?" "Yes, to before you began dating. Let's say...a month's worth." I nodded and got up with Dream. "Good, I'm glad you agreed! Let's head down there now, okay?" I nodded again and followed him back into the base. Was this the right thing to do? Who knows. I just want things back the way they were. And to do that, I might have to erase their memories. But it's okay. I can wait longer, knowing that I had something more to do.

A/N: this is a callback to Undertale, where Flowey tells you how to get the True Pacifist ending in the game, even though it requires a Reset. hopefully you picked up on it and enjoyed the little cameo. don't worry, i won't break y/n and noot up...yet. small warning: angst incoming. ;))

Date: 9/7/22 23:38

Word Count: 1427

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