Chapter 3

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Elliana Pov:

The next morning I woke up at 8 o'clock since I had physiology class. I climbed out of bed grabbed my towel, and headed to the shower. After I had showered I went and put some black sweatpants on with a white crop top and a black zip-up hoodie. I didn't zip up the hoodie tho I left it open to show my crop top.

I brushed my hair. I decided to leave my hair down. I put on some socks and wore my white and black Jordan 1s. I grabbed my school bag, phone, and AirPods on the way out of my room. I closed the door and turned off my lights as well.

I placed my bag on the counter and made myself some breakfast. I ended up eating a fruit bowl. After breakfast, I washed the dishes I had used, grabbed my bag, and made my way out the door to go to class.

I was walking on campus looking at the map I was given to help me locate buildings when I accidentally ran into somebody. I toppled over them landing on them. I ended up running into a boy with brown hair and blue eyes. He seemed really familiar...

"Sorry about that El," He said

I immediately knew who it was.

"TY TY" I squeal hugging him

He chuckles hugging me back. We both get up and start walking again.

"So you weren't going to tell me?" I say facing him

"Wanted it to be a surprise" He replied smiling

Tyler and I were best friends. We met in the second grade and ever since we've been super close. Sadly in our junior year of high school, Tyler had to move away but we always talked and visited once and a while.

"What class do you have?" I ask

"Physiology" He replied

"Cool, I do too!" I respond smiling

We start walking to class whilst catching up with each other. He told me that he got a scholarship for playing soccer. He was a forward, so we always practiced together when we were little. He would practice his shots while I would block them.

We arrived at the classroom and walked in. I saw Paige and Nika in that class and waved at them. They waved back. I sat down at a desk next to Tyler. We sat down and started talking until class started. We started messing around and catching up with each other like we normally did when we were back at home and at high school together. 

I really did miss having my best friend around with me

Paige Pov:

I was staring at her. I watched the way she laughed with him, I watched the way they would playfully hit each other. I watched the way she smiled.

I wish it was me making her smile and laugh like that.

"Paige earth to Paige" Nika says snapping her fingers in front of my face

"Huh," I said snapping out of my thoughts and turning to look at her with a confused face

"I was just asking what time practice was" She responds

"At 3" I respond

She nods her head. I stare at Elli again. She looked absolutely gorgeous in just sweatpants and a crop top. I dont know what this feeling was. I wanted it to be me who was making her laugh. I wanted it to be me who had my arm around her shoulders.

"Will you stop looking at her with those goo goo eyes of yours, you'll burn a hole in the back of her head from staring at her so much" Nika says jokingly

I blush to try to play it off cool. "I dont know what you're talking about"

"Dont play dumb I see the way you look at her" She responds

Before I got to respond the teacher walked in.

The teacher walked in and started class. Throughout the class, I found myself staring at Elli. I couldn't really concentrate on what the teacher was saying because I was looking at Elli.

The class had ended and all of us were getting ready to leave. Elli was packing her stuff away in her bag. I noticed she left one of her books. I picked it up and walked toward her.

I tapped her shoulder and she turned around. She smiled once she saw me. I swear her smile can brighten up the whole world.

"You were about to leave this here," I say gesturing to her book in my hand

"Oh thanks" She smiles taking the book

"Do you have a class right now or practice?" I ask hoping she would be free so we could talk and hang out.

"No not really" She responds

"Do you maybe want to go hang out? Grab a coffee or something?" I ask with a glimmer of hope in my eyes

"Yeah sure," She says smiling

I smile and motion for her to come "Well let's go then"

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