Mall Adventures

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And I'm back.

Sorry for the delay. Was traveling back home and didn't have time to update.


"And that's a wrap! Great job, everyone." The director said. Just then, the lights surrounding the set turned on, and everyone on set relaxed. The dancers walked over to the food and drinks table, talking to each other excitedly and congratulating each other and the singer, Jax, for yet another successful shoot as they walked past. Jax smiled and shook each of their hands, expressing her gratitude for them as well.

"Y'all were AMAZING!" She gushed. "Thank you so much!"

Alani smiled to herself as she observed the interaction from a seat toward the back of the warehouse, watching how her newest star treated those around her humbly and with respect. It was one of the reasons she'd signed her, after all. That and her incredible voice, of course. Just then, she took notice of one of the dancers, Mila, approaching Jax, almost with apprehension. She shifted, her sharp eyes focused on the scene unfolding before her.

"Uhm... H-h-hi." Alani heard the dancer stutter as she walked closer to the already TikTok famous star. Jax's smile widened as she turned her full attention to the woman.

"Hi!" Jax exclaimed, immediately pulling the timid dancer into a quick but secure hug. Alani smirked as the dancer visibly tensed before partly returning the embrace. Her body relaxed as Jax pulled away.

"I'm so sorry to bother you, but my siste-"

"What's your name?" Jax cut the girl off.

"Mila." The dancer replied.

"Mila. That is a beautiful name. I'm sorry for interrupting. I just like to know who I'm speaking to. You were saying something about your sister?" Jax asked, smiling warmly.

"Oh, right. My sister is a HUGE fan of yours. She's been following you on TikTok since your very first parody, and I was just hoping I could maybe get a picture of you to send to her for her birthday? I know I probably could've just snuck one, but it would feel so weird taking your picture without asking." Mila asked, no longer stuttering. Alani could see Mila gaining confidence as she and Jax spoke, and Jax's smile never ceased.

"Ugh. You are probably the only person I've ever met who actually cared about that. Your sister is so lucky to have you! And of course! But I have an idea. What's her name?" Jax asked her.

"Her name is Monique." A smiling Mila said.

"What's her TikTok?" Alani watched as Mila took out her phone and showed it to Jax.

"Awesome! Watch this." Jax pulled out her phone, opening the app to search for Monique's login. Mila watched with her mouth hung open as Jax followed her sister and then herself. Alani chuckled at the incredulous look on Mila's face. Then Jax pushed the button to go live on her account.

"What's up, everyone!! I'm here on set of my very first music video..." Alani tuned Jax out as Mila's phone started ringing. Her stomach fluttered a little as a huge smile spread across the dancer's face.

"Hey Moni." Alani heard Mila say into the device.

"MIIIIIILLLLLAAAAAA!" A loud screech could be heard echoing through the warehouse as Mila yanked the phone away from her head. Alani almost laughed out loud as everyone turned to look where the singer and the dancer stood. Before Mila could acknowledge the overly excited teenager, a steady stream of high-pitched words could be heard.

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