Deprivation (Sub POV)

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AN - The title speaks for itself.

I take a slow, shuddering breath as I try to center myself in the darkness that surrounds me. My shoulders ache slightly, and I try to tip my head to relieve some of the pressure in them. I wince when no reprieve comes. It's not unbearable, but I know if I'm made to stay in this position long enough, it will be.

I force myself to take slow, even breaths. I let the darkness and silence wash over me and allow my muscles to release even further. I feel my body sink into my restraints as the tension ebbs and I sigh in relief. As I relax, my mind clears any thoughts. My only focus is the beating of my heart, the steady rise and fall of my chest as I breathe, and the feel of the restraints pressed against my skin.

The pressure of them gives me an odd sort of comfort. Or maybe it's because I know, despite my current situation, that I am absolutely safe. The thought warms me, and the lack of outer stimuli allows me to feel the flush as it travels from my chest. I can almost follow the path the heat takes as it radiates outward like a caress across my breasts. My nipples harden to small little pebbles at the sensation.

I shudder internally as pleasure courses through me, unable to display any outward signs of my enjoyment due to the tight bindings holding me securely in place. My heart rate increases as my breath hitches in my chest. I try to dip my head down subconsciously in an attempt to look at myself but quickly register the futility of the action. Even if I wasn't bound, the blindfold blocking my vision would prevent me from it.

I take another deep, centering breath as I try to will myself to relax. The sharp peak of arousal slowly begins to ebb as I focus and force my breathing to remain steady. The only sound I can hear is the slowing beat of my heart as its rhythm calms to a steady thump in my chest. I shift my focus to the beats, and it's as if I can feel the lifeblood it pumps as it travels through my body.

The tingling across the surface of my skin disappates as my excitement winds down to a deep contentment. I allow myself to get lost in the rhythm of my heartbeat, keeping me grounded.

I don't know how long I've been here like this. All sense of time has been lost to me as my hearing, vision, and mobility have been stripped away from me. It could have been hours...



I'd never know. And I don't care. I'd stay like this for as long as she wanted me to. Because I know she'd never put me in danger. I know she'd protect me and make sure I'm okay, even if I couldn't. Especially if I couldn't.

Thinking of her causes another feeling to stir inside me. This one blooming deep in my chest and spreading through my stomach. I would do anything to please her.

My confidant.

My friend.

My lover.


My mistress.

Just as the thought of claim crosses my mind, I feel a feather light touch caress the bared expanse of my right calf. The new sensation sends a shockwave straight to the apex of my thighs, causing my pussy to clench almost painfully hard in a pleasure so intense it rips the breath from my lungs. My body immediately begins to tremble in needy anticipation. I must have been here for a while if something so small could bring me so close to climax.

I'm so focused on the pleasure still radiating through my body that I fail to recognize the light-headedness. I haven't taken a breath, and my body is tensed and waiting, straining for the next touch.

But my Mistress always knows.

A sharp slap to my right breast shocks me enough to force a gasp between my lips, filling my lungs with much needed oxygen. My eyes fly open behind the blindfold as heat from the pain clashes with pleasure, swirling inside me until I can not differentiate one from the other. A moan escapes me, the sound muted by earplugs, as I lose myself in the sensations.

My breathing is ragged, my senses zeroed in on the two spots on my body still echoing from the touch of my Mistress. My body squirms uncontrollably as the echoes begin to fade, leaving such an intense need in their wake. Driving me insane. I need her so badly. But she still has not touched me again. I can't even tell where she is.

The thoughts begin to flood my brain unbidden, and I can not seem to staunch the flow.

Why won't she touch me?

Am I doing something wrong?

Is this what she wants?

Did she leave me here alone?

Panic begins to rise in my chest at that last thought. I feel a bead of sweat roll from my forehead down across my temple. It creates a path along my skin like an errant tear, curling around the bottom of my ear to slide down the back of my neck.

She wouldn't leave me here, alone. Right?

My breathing picks up, and my heart beats erratically in my chest. I can feel my safeword bubbling up from my throat, settling on the tip of my tongue. But just before it escapes past my parted lips, I feel the pillow softness of My Mistress's lips encircle the throbbing bud of my nipple that previously received such a harsh slap.

The juxtaposition of the painful slap and the white hot pleasure short circuit my brain. My arms wrench down on my restraints as my body arches into the warmth of My Mistress's mouth. A strangled, unintelligible cry escapes me instead.

I feel her teeth scrape harshly on the overly sensitive puckered flesh, shooting white hot desire straight to my core. Desire that quickly swallows me whole. I can do nothing to fight back as the crest of my pleasure crashes over me, flooding my pussy, soaking my thighs and splashing onto the sheets beneath me.

The tidal wave of my orgasm brings with it an intense sense of euphoria. Tears leak from beneath my blindfold and stain my overheated cheeks. I can feel my body thrash against the restraints as I continue to arch into her mouth.

Her tongue swirls around the sensitive peak, soothing away the pain of her bite as moans continuously escape my throat. If I could hear, I'd probably surprise myself at their volume. Instead, the only clue I had was the raspiness I could feel in my throat. It did nothing to stop me, though.

The waves are still crashing over me, almost no ebb and all flow, when I feel her fingers thrust deep inside. A scream rips from my throat as a kaleidoscope of colors burst across my vision behind the blindfold. Suddenly, euphoria is within my grasp again as my walls clamp down hard over her, trying in vain to pull her even deeper inside me as my body bows, balanced solely on the heels of my feet and the tops of my shoulders.

All of a sudden, I feel her move away from me, releasing my nipple from the suction of her glorious mouth. A deep sense of loss pervades me as her fingers slide away, and I cry out in agony at the denial and emptiness.

"Please, Mistress." I beg through a sob. I need her so fucking badly. I feel like I'm going insane.

No response meets me. Despite my hyper awareness, I can not feel her near me. My body begins to cool, and I instinctively shift in an attempt to find her again.

"Mistress please. I need you. I need you so much. Please don't leave me..." I whisper brokenly, the previous tears of pleasure renewing themselves in the form of desperation.

Still no response. No movement.

"Please... please... please..." I whisper my mantra over and over again. The repetition begins to soothe me, forcing me into a deep state of calm.

"I'm good. I'll be good. I'm your good girl." I whisper as I sink further and further into that space deep inside me. I can feel the words leave my lips, but I'm in too deep to know what I'm saying. I'm slipping away, floating, into an abyss.

Waiting for My Mistress. I'm her good girl.

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