The One That Got Away... Kinda

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Infidelity warning.

Don't come at me.

***Lee's POV***


"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are approaching Jacksonville
Airport ahead of schedule and will be landing shortly. Please be sure to take your seats, fasten your seat belts, and stow your trays for landing. It was a pleasure serving you on this fine Friday morning. Delta Airlines appreciates your patronage, and we hope to see you again soon. Please remain seated until the flight attendants have given the okay to disembark."

I stretched languidly as the pilot signed off the intercom, taking my earbuds out and placing them back in their case. I checked my phone and sighed. Almost 2 pm. I rubbed the last remnants of sleep from my eyes and glanced out the window, smiling slightly at the view below. Flying might be a drag when you're skipping through time zones, but the views really are breathtaking.

The plane landed, and I was able to disembark with no issue. As I entered Jacksonville Airport, my eyes swept over the stores that lined the terminal areas. My stomach growled, reminding me I'd skipped breakfast. I quickly made my way toward the food court section in search of something to eat before my next flight in 50 minutes.

I decided on a breakfast sandwich and water, trying to keep it light. I was going to be on a flight for another 10 hours, and I REALLY don't like using plane bathrooms if I can help it. After scarfing down my food as fast as possible, I gathered my things and rushed to my next gate. Boarding would start in 15 minutes.

As I approached the gate, I swore softly under my breath. From the looks of the seating near the gate, my flight was going to be packed.

"This is United Airlines Flight 42896. We will begin boarding in 5 minutes. Can we please have any passengers requiring special assistance approach the boarding gate to prepare for entrance?"

I stepped onto the carpet surrounding the gate and was headed toward the boarding entrance to wait for First Class announcements when a man stood up directly into me. My shoulder collided with him sharply, and he fell backward into his seat.

"Sorry." I said, not even looking at him as I continued past.

"Fucks sake Colby! Do you ever pay attention?" I heard a voice say, laden with exasperation and amusement. Immediately, goosebumps rose on my arms and the hair tingled at the back of my neck. That voice....

No... it couldn't be. I shook my head, not even dignifying the thought with a glance toward who had spoken. I kept my back to the couple as I stood waiting for permission to board, hoping to avoid a confrontation.

"What do you even mean?" I heard him respond. "That bitch was the one not watching where she was going." He said indignantly.

"Bro..." the female voice was immediately drowned out as the attendant again spoke over the intercom.

"First Class, we are now ready to have you board the plane."

I smiled, stepping forward with my boarding pass and away from the bickering couple. As I scanned my pass, I pushed all thoughts of the familiar voice from my mind.

I entered the plane and took my seat in my pod, my eyebrows raised slightly as I saw there were two seats, not one. Strange. I could've sworn I booked a single pod. I internally sighed, hoping nobody had purchased the other seat so I wouldn't have to be in such close proximity to a stranger. My social meter fills quickly, and I wasnt really prepared to share a 10 hour flight with a stranger. I slipped my earbuds back on and flipped the hood up on my sweater, covering my face and settling in for the long flight.

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