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Sometimes it was like this between Ci and I. We ain't said nothing to each other for a week. I had tried to get next to what seemed like more women than I could count on one hand, but she never wanted to see me with none of em for real.

Not only has she been my down ass chic for over a decade, but shit we got Jojo. I respect that and always let Ci know who I might be considering. It barely gets to the first date before she gets some shit to say about me seeing potential over opportunity.

It was 1 A.M. when I woke up from my sleep to get something to grub on. The light in the living room was still on. Ci's head was tilted to one side when I walked in there. She was taking notes or something.

I was tired of this ignoring bullshit.

"Ci, let's drop this shit."

"You're always just dropping shit. All you're gonna do is pick it right back up later."

I shook my head walking in the kitchen. I made myself a sandwich and was strolling out the kitchen a moment later munching away at some chips. She was still studying.


"What Lus. I'm busy studying. Go to bed."

I walked over to her, and sat down beside her. I snatched her pencil from her grasp.

"LUS!" Ci jerked her head to look at me -- staring me in my face. Her brow scrunched up angrily.

"Stop being mad at me."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not. I just want you to find somebody good and not no raggedy ass bitch. Give me my pencil back."

"Everybody raggedy to you."

"Not everybody. Just the girls you be playing with."

"Hook me up with a good girl then. What's up with yo friend Brandy."

Cierra shook her head,"Definitely not her."

I handed Ci her pencil back.

"Ci. I want to have a special relationship with someone one day. I can't do that if you have such high expectations on my shit. I already have my own standards. We got different opinions and what you want versus what I want don't compare

Ci huffed as she erased something in her notes. "She's gotta be thick with a big booty, smart, and cute. You don't have standards, Lus. Your dick makes your decisions."

I laughed.

While most of the shit she'd spoken on was true. I also wanted somebody who was on my level emotionally, and intellectually.

"Ok Ci. I'm headed to bed. I got work."

She shrugged.

"Ay." I grabbed her hand making her look at me. "Ci. Stop being mad at me."

She looked at me for a little bit before letting out a low sigh and leaning in to hug me.

"I'm not mad at you. I just want you to be with somebody who wanna be with you for the right reasons."

We pulled out of the hug, and we eyed each other for a little bit. I stood pulling her up with me before we walked off and to my bedroom together.

It was 4 A.M when we finished getting a few rounds in.

I know what you are thinking, but I only trust her body. Plus we got a son together, but still it ain't nothing like that. This ain't the type of story where we fall in love out of circumstance, and come together as one. Or maybe it is, but we have an arrangement that only suggests sex.

If either of us were to get serious with somebody the sex would stop.


From Ci

Chinese for dinner?

I was poking around at an AC unit that had busted when my phone vibrated in my back pocket.

To Ci

Can I have something else for dinner..?

From Ci

Lol. smh.

I smiled to myself. I found myself replaying last night's escapades in my mind during the entirety of my 11 hour shift.

I'll be honest, Ci, and I had chemistry in area's unexplored. Life forced us to figure shit out now without real eyes for anything outside of income. Maybe an opportunity between us had been missed us a couple of times, but it was well passed too late to try and look for something outside of our arrangements.

By the time we were given the blessing by my and her parents to date anybody, Ci had quickly found love with Chris, and I'd since been dating Brittany. We genuinely found friendship, and companionship within each other. There had never been a thought outside of that. 

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