Chapter 1

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It was going to be hard being a new town for them both, but Charli's Uncle Jack had come to work at Hawkins in the sheriff's department as a contracted detective with a higher-level clearance of power to do his job in the town. Jack was more so there to help Hawkins discreetly without anyone knowing that they both knew about the Upside Down. Not too long ago, Jack had gotten a parcel in the mail that was a large box filled with all the files involved with it all. It truly was an eye opener for him but if Jack could help, he would for a Jim Hopper. Yes, they had to uproot their lives from originally moving to California to the small town of Hawkins. Jack had felt bad for Charli, but she was levelled head enough that she understood why it had to be the way it was going to be for them from now on. Lives could be saved from doing this move.

Charli is enrolled to go to school and is going to go to Hawkins high school as a senior. She had also already secured a job at the local record store through the owner being an old friend of Jack who lived in Hawkins. His name is David and is going to be meeting them at the house on the lake that is a little bit out of town and more in the woods.

It is also going to be her 18th birthday in a couple of weeks and Charli was really hoping she would have made some friends with some good people by then so she could have them around. Of course, she loved her uncle to no ends of the earth. But it would just be nice to have some kids around her age to celebrate it with. To just be silly, get hopped up on sugar, eat pizza and swim in the lake on a hot day.

Her two-year-old German shepherd x giant Alaskan malamute, a monster of a size of a dog was sitting beside her with his head happily hanging out of the window, taking in all the smells of the woods they were passing by. His name is Odin with contrasting light blue eyes from the husky gene but had the German shepherd coloured coat. He is so loyal to her and only responded to Charlie. He was a present from her uncle for her 16th birthday. Odin is her best friend and her confidant. The dog is what Charli needed after everything she went through. Odin was her little rock who kept her together during the hardest time of her life.

"You are going to love the lake house Charli, its three stories and with a big back yard. It backs onto the woods that you and Odin can go exploring in. There is even a cabin on the property that is used for hunting. There is plenty of room for you to bring friends around and have some fun, you can even go swimming in the lake" Jack knew she loved the woods and water. This house although much bigger than what they both needed, it was perfect for his niece. She deserved the world.

CHarli smiled, looking beside at her uncle "To be able to work in a music store is going to be awesome. I am really looking forward to it".

"When do you start work at the store again?" Jack asked looking over her shoulder "Everything has been such a blur it can be a little bit hard to keep track of at times".

Charli had rolled down her window, letting the hot breeze flow softly into her face and waving her hand about softly in the air "The day after tomorrow from the phone we had a week ago. Your friend seems like a nice man. I am mean, he is employing me after all. I am sure I will be the town freak soon enough".

Jim Hopper had needed Jack's help to take his place when and if he was ever gone from Hawkins "Yeah, he was always a good guy back in the day. Everyone knew his best friend in high school was the chief of police but Jim died in the Star Court mall fire that just happened apparently. Jim Hopper was a decent man. He served with me in the army and was my tutor in being a detective"

He was leaning down a little, scrunching his shoulders to get a better look at the number of the long driveway they were going "Home sweet home, your car is already here by the looks of it as well with standing David there. Not that you are going to use it much riding your bike around the place I assume".

Charli smiled, looking up to the sky and into the woods "I think I am really going to like this town Uncle Jack. I have a sneaking suspicion that I am going to make some good friends here. I can feel it".

David was standing by the dodge ram, Charlie's eyes widened more, not believing the black truck was indeed her own "Uncle Jack, is that really my own truck. It looks near new!".

"It is an early 18th birthday present for you" They pulled up in front of the house, Odin barked excitedly because he knew the long car ride was over and could now stretch his legs "And I know what you are thinking, it is too much. But you are a good girl, Charlie. Don't worry, you deserve it".

"Thank you" Charlie had a small smile on her face, grateful for everything her uncle has done for her and still doing for her. Giving him a kiss on the cheek"

Jack really had hoped he would be able help the town of Hawkins, to find Hopper and bring him back home where he belonged "Let's get the ball rolling and start our lives here in Hawkins?".

The sun was shining bright into Charli's eyes, she put on her aviators and smiled "Ready to go, Uncle Jack".

Odin was more than delighted to go speeding about when Charli had opened the door. It was a new place with so many different smells and sounds where he could go exploring. David, a tall man over 6"2 had a belly laugh "My guess is that this handsome boy here has a little cabin fever and needed to stretch his legs".

Sensing the attention was on him gladly walked up to the kind man "And he knows when to get the pats doesn't, he".

"David, good to see you" Jack held out his hand to shake David's hand, "I can't thank you enough for organising a few things here before we arrived", turning to look at Charlie whom he could see looking in wander at the new family home. He breathed a sigh of relief and thanked god Charli was happy to be here. David could see it to "And I think this young lady is indeed grateful. She is in her element out here in the woods and by the lake by the looks of it".

"Not a big city living girl then are you, Charli?" David asked her, shielding his eyes from the glaring sun.

The past couple of years, Jack had decided to take Charli away and focus on herself after everything she went through. The peace and quiet of the country soothed the soul and helped heal her. In the early days, she couldn't cope with around too many people and the anxiety attacks would happen more often than not. Yes she was now medicated to be able to live and cope with it all on a day by day but having a safe place , a haven that was out and away from the hustle and bustle is what Charli needed. And Jack would go anywhere on the earth for her to do that.

The air was beautiful and fresh, the sun adding warmth to her soul. She couldn't wait to go swimming in the lake "No sir, give me the lakes and the woods any day of the week over the city. This is a beautiful place, I love it. It's perfect"

The house was beautiful, made of logs and backed onto a lake. It had a big front veranda that had a large swinging chair. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath in and took in all the serenity of her new home.

"I love it here" she whispered, with her sunglasses on the base of her nose "It is so nice and quiet here. Away from all the noise. I can think here and here my own voice".

David had known the family and he couldn't be prouder of Jack for taking on his niece after what had happened "I supervised most of the moving and the boxes are in the rooms that they are meant to be in. Miss Charli, your room is that one up there. I thought you would like that best room in the house with a view over the lake", he pointed up to the roof which had the window to her bedroom "Go on up to have a look, relax before you get to work at my music store and then go on to start breaking hearts at Hawkins High".

The two men watched on as Charli went on up to the horse, a soft look on Jack's face "Charli has come such a long way".

David put his hand on Jack's shoulder "You should be proud of yourself son. You saved that little girl by taking her on and away from that place that was supposed to be home but in fact was a place of pain and torture. What young Charli went through was god fearing and she made it out because of you. She is the young girl now because of you and with your guidance, Charli will become the adult she is meant to be".

Jack just hoped this was the right decision bringing Charli to Hawkins or the fact she knew everything involved in the Upside Down.

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