Chapter 2

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A ray of light from the early morning sun that was creeping through a small gap through her black out curtains had on her windows. They had not been quite shut from the night before. Charli was a light sleeper at best of times, so just with a little light in her room she was wide awake and aware. It had woken Charli up earlier than her alarm which she absolutely despised. She squeezed her eyes tight, not wanting to wake up just yet because she was so cosy in bed. A little yawn came out, she then stretched out like a cat under her two thick duvets that were on her bed. Charli didn't like sleeping with loose sheets tucked into her mattress, they made her feel constricted and suffocated. To her it felt like someone was holding her down in her own bed forcibly. So, they were always kicked off whenever Charli slept with any on a bed.

Turning to her left, Charli opened her eyes to see that Odin was on his bed on the floor, patiently waiting for his owner to wake up from her sleep. He had his large, boof head on his paws and looking up at her innocently with his big, blue eyes. Seeing Charli was awake, he quickly got up off his spot on the floor and then rested his head on the bed to hopefully get a pat on his favourite spot from his owner.

"Good morning, my gorgeous boy" she yawned, wiping a little bit of sleep from the corner of her left eye, then reaching over and scratching Odin behind his ears. Which was his favourite spot to be scratched anywhere on his body. He groaned and his eye dropped, the sensation relaxing him. Almost making him fall back asleep again.

Odin sighed a little, his blue eyes just closing a touch at the comforting feeling. She stopped scratching and he whined a little, nudging her hand with his wet nose to get more pats 'Sorry dude, no more pats. As much as I would like to stay home and give you pats all day. I need to get up and get ready to go to work today at the music store".

Charli got up out of bed, her feet hitting the cold, dark timber floors. The silver white hair of hers was being its usual unruly self and had become out of place from her bedtime braided hair. She loved her room, it had hanging herbs, a book nook with a little lord of the rings displays with the books, ornaments and jewellery. Going into her draw, Charli picked out her favourite pair of dark blue denim shorts that were a bit worn in with a few frayed edges around the hem. They may have looked like they had been through the wars, but they were incredibly comfortable to wear over an extended period. Searching through her t shirt draw, Charli picked put a faded black Ozzy Osbourne t shirt that certainly looked well lived in as well like her shorts. Setting her clothes down on to bed, Charli got down to her hands and knees to reach for the black converse shoes that were hiding behind her red vans. Then getting up and going to her small draw, picked two different ankle socks to wear, one bright purple and one yellow. In Charli's opinion, it was bad luck to wear matching socks on your feet. She already stood out with her silver white hair, no one is going to even look at her socks. Not that she cared what people thought or saw of her.

Now all dressed, she whistled to Odin to get him to follow her downstairs to the kitchen to have her breakfast. Charli loved the new house. It was soothing and calm. A place of quiet. Uncle jack was sitting down on the table with a cup of black coffee in his hand and reading the newspaper. He was looking over the rim of his coffee cup to the pop tart box near the toaster and was thinking how teenagers were less than appealing with their eating habits. His were eyebrows raised a little and the same cheeks Charli had appeared on his face. They both had the same kind eyes too "That there, is my very expensive dentist bill is sitting".

Charli knew her Uncle was being cheeky, rolling her eyes at him and taking two pop tarts from the plate to put down in the toaster to cook "Ha, ha. Very funny".

Jack pointed to her backpack that was sitting on top of the island bench. It had her lunch packed and with a thermos filled with iced water. Jack could read his niece like a book. He knew how disorganized Charli could be when she was anxious about something. She was looking off into the distance out of the window to the lake, staring into space a little and tapping the top of the island bench "There is no need to worry. You will do fine today at work, sweetheart"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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