Fun in the Sun

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Jane heaved out a loud sigh as she threw her last box onto the ground. "If I knew how hard this would be I'd ask for the movers to help" She mumbled under her breath, but knew deep down she'd be too prideful to ask for help. It was a lovely home, right on the outskirts of the beach, surrounded by palm trees. The warm embrace of the sun on her skin was welcoming. 'It'll be a good day today' She thought as she walked out onto the porch, scanning their surroundings. The green grass clashed with sand, abundant with red flowers clinging at the base of trees. Then the faintest sound of music trickled through this sunny scene. Jane's always been curious, so of course she rushed down the steps of her porch to go find the source. After wafting through the sand, heels in hand, she found it. A tiki bar. The lights all lit up in different bright colors as people spilled out of the building. Bright polo shirts and greased back hair, fashions Jane had seen before in the city. But here there were much more surfers, making sense since the city didn't even have a pond to wade your feet in. Jane stared in awe, watching people rush by her to go drunkenly rush into the water. A laugh escaped her as she made her way inside. There people were shimming and shaking all around. It was energetic and exciting as girls on stage sang and everyone danced right under it, singing right along. Jane approached the bar and sat down on a stool, smiling at the bar tender when a familiar voice tugged at her ear.

"Jane?" An energetic voice called out as Jane turned to see Eddy, her ex. Eddy, Edward, Ed, whatever. She didn't care what he'd liked to be called, frowning upon seeing the stupid smile on his face. "Oh" Jane responds, quickly turning around on her stool as Eddy sat down next to her. "Isn't this spectacular?! It must be fate! I mean why else would you be here too?" He asked as Jane waved him off as she got her drink. "Go away, I'm trying to enjoy myself here. You're ruining the air quality every time you open your mouth." She scoffed out, downing the drink in one gulp and letting out a sound of refreshment right after. Eddy frowned and pinched his brows together before looking away from Jane. "I see you're still a downer. You've never been any fun." He sighed out as Jane abruptly stood up, stool screeching against the floor right when the music ended. Some people looked, but most didn't care and kept dancing. Jane didn't dignify him with a response, sending him an obviously fake small, slamming a bill on the table, and going off to disappear in the crowd. She was thankful there were so many people, able to escape and get drowned in the music. Although, uncomfortably folding in on your itself while people bump and dance against you isn't the most fun way to spend your time on the dance floor. She ended up having to throw herself to the side where girls sat and waited to be asked to dance. It truly was a stupid rule. Jane saw Eddy in the corner and quickly rushed to the back door where a man rushed in at the same time. They clashed against each other, Jane able to catch herself but could see the man on the ground looking up with utter bewilderment. "Ah, sorry!" They exclaimed in unison, making the two erupt in nervous laughter as Jane extended her hand to him. He gripped her hand but tilted his head with a smile. "Miss I don't think you can-" before the man could finish Jane had hoisted him up. The man so surprised he lurched forward, their chests touching as she smiled at him with a smug glint in her eyes. "I'm sorry what was that?" She asked, letting go of him and stepping back as he just shook his head. "Nothing...the name's Ricky." He suddenly said, extending his hand as Jane looked back, making sure Eddy couldn't see her. She needed to escape, that was her original plan anyways. "Jane." She replied flatly and pushed past Ricky. "Gotta go, have fun Ricky!" She exclaimed and rushed out the back door just as Eddy approached.

Jane was running in the sand, a very hard task, face heating up and heart pounding. How could so much happen in such little time, she wondered. Then boom. Foot stuck, and she's face planted into the sand. Jane turned her head to breath, having to spew out sand but stayed there on the ground. The sun still warm as the sun was setting in the distance.

"Oh boy! That sure was a tumble!" A bubbly voice chirped as Jane lifted her head to see a girl clad in leather, hair teased, and blood red lips. The girl was chewing on gum, blowing a bubble and popping it before giggling. "Don't ya know not to fall in sand? Totally messes up your hair, how are you supposed to find a boy like that?" She asked as Jane stood up, wiping the sand off her clothes, grumbling the whole time. "I don't need a boy." Jane spat out at the other as the girl shrugged. "Okay then you can't get a girl like that." When the other said this Jane's eyes widened. "What?" She asked as the girl fished around in her purse and took out a handkerchief, trying to rub the sand out of the other's hair as Jane pushed her away. "I'll just take a soak" she said as the girl smiled. "Oh you're not staying? I would've loved to dance with ya." The girl sighed out as Jane rushed past her. "Hey! My name's Lillen! Come back and hang out tomorrow sand girl!" She yelled out as Jane covered her ears and kept walking.

Once home and all cleaned up Jane flopped onto the bed. Her towel soaking the bedsheets as Jane huffed and threw it off. Now all bare as she rushed to put on a nightgown. Her hands ran down the soft silky texture and let out a sigh, being able to calm down as she sank back into the bed. "What a rushed and jumbled." She grumbled, looking to the floor and saw all the sand, using her big toe to create a swirling pattern. "Eddy...Ricky...Lillen" Jane recited, smiling. "Ricky...Lillen" she paused as her smile grew even wider. "Ricky." The girl stated as she flopped on her back and stared at the ceiling. "Ricky Ricky Ricky" She hummer and rolled around onto her front. "Lillen Lillen Lillen" she laughed out when there was a sudden knock on her window. Jumping up she quickly grabbed the bat by her bed, Lillen opening the window and tumbling in.

"Get out!" She yelled, barely even knowing this girl as Lillen smiled widely and stood up. "Hi sand girl! Followed you here, didn't know you'd have a such a nice home. Are these boxes? Ooo you just moved in???" She asked all giggly as she rummaged through the boxes and Jane dropped the bat. She rushed to Lillen and tugged the box away. "Get out of my house." Jane said simply as Lillen sighed, plopping back down onto the ground. "I want to be your friend. You're cool. We could tease each other's hair, plus we need a new girl in the Catz." She rambled as Jane scrunched up her face. "The catz?" She asked as Lillen hurriedly nodded her head. "Mhm! The biker gang! My brother's in it, and a lot of cool cats. We're much cooler than the surfers, so I'm letting you be cool." She explained as Jane sat across from the other on the floor. "Do cool people break into people's houses? Last I heard, that's a crime." Lillen laughed and tugged the box back to keep rummaging through it. "See? You're cool. Sorry for breaking in, I just really really really reallllyyyy wanted you to be my friend. So you'll join right?" She asked, eyes bright and sparkling as Jane sighed. It was always much harder to say no to girls than guys. She couldn't explain it but when it came to women she was a major pushover. "Only if you leave my house and knock next time-"

"Next time?!" Lillen happily screeched as she shot up on her feet. "Of course! Meet me at Dina's tiki at 5:00 tomorrow!" She explained, sitting on the edge of the window about to leap out. "Oh, afternoon! It'd be crazy if it was morning" She laughed out and quickly spun around, leaping out of the window. Jane couldn't believe what she just watched, going forward and pulling the window pane down, locking it as she did so.

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