Everything Has Changed ~ Chapter 16

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            I yawned, looking into the fireplace of Ravenclaw common room. Finally, I had finished my Potions essay. Just in time for dinner, too. I packed my things away, shrieking when a pair of hands covered my eyes.

            “Relax, it’s only me,” A familiar voice laughed into my ear.


            The hands removed themselves from my face. “Correct,” Terry sang.

            “Why did you give me a heart attack?”

            “I thought it would be amusing,” Terry said cheekily. “Anyways, do you want to go on kind of a mini-date?”

            “What, now?”


            I raised my eyebrows. “I wasn’t aware that there was anything date-appropriate in the castle.”

            “There isn’t. Not unless you make it yourself.”


         “The Room of Requirement. Meet me there as soon as you’ve put your stuff away?”

           “Okay.” I watched Terry leave the common room, intrigued. I know he had offered to possibly take me on a date earlier than Christmas, but I still hadn’t been expecting it…

             I ran back upstairs, dumping everything on my bed to sort out later. I cleaned up my appearance a little too. Well, more than just a little, truth be told. But I still got everything done in record time. After quickly telling Emilia where I was going and getting fussed over by her, I left for my date.

            I got to the Room of Requirement about fifteen minutes after Terry had left. He was leaning against the wall, staring at the tapestry of the man teaching trolls ballet with an amused smirk on his face. He wasn’t wearing his Hogwarts robes, just jeans and a shirt. I had to say, he looked pretty handsome.

            “Eleanor!” He greeted enthusiastically when he caught sight of me. “You’re here!”

            “Of course I am,” I replied.

            He smiled sheepishly. “I wasn’t sure if you were going to come, actually. I asked you so suddenly.”

            “I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” I patted his shoulder. “Shall we enter?”

            “Right.” Terry began pacing in front of the empty stretch of wall. A moment later, an ornate door appeared. He pulled me inside and turned to face me expectantly.

            I stared at the cosy room with wide eyes. “Oh, goodness. This is so cute!”

            It was only a small room, about five square metres. It was dimmed to be only lit by a few candles hovering close to the ceiling. There was a small table in the middle, set for two people, with a white and red chequered tablecloth, and – were those rose petals scattered around the floor?

            Terry led me to one of the chairs and pulled it out for me adorably. I sat down and he crossed to the other side of the table, sitting down himself.

            “You have outdone every male in Britain,” I announced. “This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

            Terry beamed widely. “I wasn’t sure you’d like it.”

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