《- 1

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A/N ☆●》

There is Bl00d in here. If you are uncomfortable pls caution throughout the story because it will involve Bl00d alot and d34th threats and bulling mention of g0r3.

Giyuu pov ☆●》

"Erm" I groan as the sunlight rays hit my face. I yawned as I sat up. "CAW CAW!" [How tf do birds talk again] "A meeting is requested by the master! Caw Caw! He will inform you about the missions." My crow explained. "At what time?." "What?" .. "AT what time is the meeting?.." "Oh. At 11:30Am." I sighed. I checked the time '10:46'. I didn't get much sleep due to a mission I had yesterday. Might as well get ready.

[Don't ask how tf they check the time they um check on their kasagi crowphones idrk and it's not modern au]
Timeskip ☆●》

I don't have enough time for breakfast. Buttt... I wouldn't eat anyways.. I checked the time again '11:24' oh well, I ran out my house making sure I locked the front door. Usually I'm not this late to meetings but I had a difficulty feeding the kois in my pond.



I finally arrived at the estate. "Tsk, You're late again. You are lucky the master is late." An angry voice behind me said. I didn't feel like responding to Shinazugawa so I walked to my spot I usually sit on. I felt a pat on my shoulder. "Yo Tomioka. Would you like to sit next to me and kyojuro?" A loud voice yelled which startled me. I looked at the person and it was just Uzui. I tried to form words to speak but got interrupted by another person. "Oh my! Is Tomioka San finally listening to me and is now socializing?" Kocho said as she continued poking me. I felt eyes staring at me, forming holes against my back, I looked behind me and saw iguro just glaring at me as usual. But there's one problem that I can't seem to understand?..


What is this feeling I receive each time I look at him? (It's your inner gay my child🏳️‍🌈) There's something about him that I can't take my eyes off him once I look at him. A voice interrupted my train of thought "Sorry my children for being late." Everyone looked at where the source of voice was before bowing down in their usual spots. "I will be explaining things about your missions. These missions are handed out to you due to an unusual amount of missing citizens. The slayers I've sent had been later found dead. Most of the 'missing' people had been found dead in somewhere random in the villages, shrines, and in the closet mountains."

An unusual amount of disappearances? There might be an kizuki in those areas. [Spoiler warning - no There is not a kizuki lmao]
"That's not all. You will be sent as two or three hashiras." Oh. A mission where I have to be assigned with someone. I just hope I'm not paired with Kocho. "Shinobu and Muichiro you are paired up for the mission, go to the gate for your crow to lead you there." After the master said that Kocho and Tokito went to the gate.

"Tengen and Kyojuro, you are qualified for this mission, head to the gate for your crow to explain about the details."

Timeskip to Giyuu's turn ☆●》

"Last but not least, Giyuu, Iguro, and Mitsuri you three are paired up for this mission. Head to the gate for information about your mission." As the master dismissed us my crow was already waiting. "CAW CAW! The mission is located at ????? Village where there is a ton of floral and where most sakura trees bloom!" My crow explained before getting interrupted by our favorite mochi girlboss. "Oh! I've heard of that Village before! I was planning on going there!" Kanroji exclaimed. "Sorry to ruin the moment Kanroji, but we have to know the details on our mission." Iguro interrupted. "Right sorry!"


"CAW CAW! The corpses of the victims of this demon seem to have flowers appear on their injuries, and some of the surviors die due to suffocation due to flowers in their lungs appearing mysteriously meanwhile others don't. This demon may be manipulating floral so be careful around its demon art." My crow said before flying away. Wait... we need directions..

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