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Quick A/N ☆●》

Tsukasa my beloved <333 Anyways This chapter will contain blood ALOT so beware and caution throughout the story. There will be one-sided giyushino in this chapter also.

 There will be one-sided giyushino in this chapter also

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Giyuu pov ☆●》

"Ugh.." I groaned as the sunlight rays hit my face. "Oh my~ you are finally awake I see!" Oh. My. God. It's 4 in the morning how is she awake at this time?! I turn my head to face the [SHORT] insect pillar. "What is it that you need from me during 4 in the morning." I said clearly annoyed. This caused an reaction from her. "Oh my~ is our water pillar cranky? Does he need some pads?" She said as she glared at me. I just look at her. "Right! Here is your herbal medicine and breakfast." She said as she puts the tray of food on the nightstand. I grab the plate about to take a bite but I notice a little someone staring at me waiting for me to take a bite.

Um. I gave her a look that said 'may I have some privacy?' Which made her finally leave. I take a bite out of my breakfast [nom nom nom] .. huh



Why the fuck is kocho looking at me through the window outside?! [Nah thats me bro] um. I blinked and she was gone by the time I opened my eyes. Am I hallucinating or something?? Other then that I finished my breakfast. Maybe I could chat with kanroji. I stood up, groaning in pain because of that demon art. Who knew a small demon art can do this much damage?? [Boy it's not as small as u think...] I walked out. Right after I walked out a certain someone bumped into me. I hope it isn't kocho. "Oh my gosh! Mr.Tomioka I'm so sorry for bumping into you!" A energetic voice which is now laced with concern says. I sighed before talking "Oh Kamado. No need to apologize, I should've been careful." I said as I reassured Kamado. "Are you sure? I was getting ready to go to a mission, and I was rushing without being careful with my surroundings! I must make it up to you!" He exclaimed... gosh to make it up to me is just take me to kanroji.

Timeskip to 12 minutes after ☆●》

Gosh finally.. that was draining. [Dang took u 12 minutes to convince tanjiro to leave lmao] I walked outside looking like I was lost but in reality I was just looking for kanroji. "Oh my~ Hello tomioka! Are you perhaps free on Thursday?" A voice behind me said. [Gosh I'm so sleep-deprived that I can't spell but good thing I got autocorrect on lmaoo] I looked behind me and saw Kocho.. I nodded no and tried to walk away but she wouldn't stop speaking. "May I atleast know why you aren't free?" She asked in a desperate way just to hear me speak. "I.. U-uhm." Shit how tf do you speak again? "Oh! Giyuu there you are! Are you excited for our mission together on Friday?" A cheerful voice exclaimed. Ohmygosh thank you Kanroji for saving me. I just look at her. "Oh my~ You had a mission on Friday? Why didn't you say so?"

I hear Kocho say behind me. "But may I speak with mitsuri before you leave?" she said.

Shinobu pov ☆●》

"But may I speak with mitsuri before you leave?" I asked. He nods before walking away to No one. [Lonely ahh mf] "So what did you want to chat about Shinobu~chan?" Mitsuri asked me. "Um.. Mitsuri I kinda have feelings for Giyuu." I said. "Oh my gosh! Do you need help with getting your man?" Mitsuri squeals. "I guess you could say that." I replied. "Well! You could go with us to the mission too!" She suggested. "Really? Thanks Mitsuri, you are the bestest friend I've had?" I said before hugging her.

Giyuu pov ☆●》

I found Iguro. Everything about him is.. Adorable? I think Kanroji has feelings towards him to- when I thought about that I felt pain in my throat. It felt like it was closing up. I had the urge to cough. I think iguro saw me in an uncomfortable state but didn't care. I ran to cough somewhere where no one was at.

[Cough] I felt something fell out of my mouth. A petal that seemed to be a Calla Lilly was stained with my own blood. "Oh my god!" I heard someone say behind me before hearing a thud.. oh no. It was Kanzaki, one of the butterfly sisters. She rushes towards me. "Did a petal just fall out of your mouth?!" She asked as she examined the flower petal stained with blood. I felt like vomiting. I vomited more blood and petals of Calla Lilies while Kanzaki looked at me with horror laced in her eyes. "I have to tell Shinobu about thi-" "No don't. You're going to make this worse." I said as I cutted her off.

"But you are clearly coughing out blood and petals?! Shinobu has more experience than me too so I think she sho-" she said before getting cut off again by me. "No. She'll just tell the master. Just keep it between us." I said as she sighed and realized that she won't be able to convince me. "Um I didnt think that this so called 'fictional' disease would be real." She said as I looked at her confused. "Well it looks you don't know about it. The disease you might have is 'Hanahaki' disease. It's a disease where a victim is in-love with another person but that person does not return those feelings. It may seem that the demon art that hit you has the effect of giving you Hanahaki. Flowers will grow in your lungs and will slowly suffocate you. It stops when the significant other returns these feelings. You'll be given 2-3 months. It's possible that you'll die in weeks too." Kanzaki explained.

[Goddamn she speaks in paragraphs damn.] Oh. It's not possible for Iguro to like me back. I mean who wouldn't choose Kanroji over me? "So who is the person you love?" Kanzaki asked. "Um it's a male, he is the same age as me." I said as she looked at me shocked. "I expected either Shinobu or Kanroji but that's fine with me." She replied [W queen] I continued coughing out petals. "Here take a sip of water and some painkillers. That's all I could do" Kanzaki said before cleaning off the blood on my face. I nod. Do I have too tho? I would prefer dying instead of making Kanroji upset because me and Iguro are suddenly dating.

That's when it hit me. "Oh um Kanroji wishes to see me." I said before standing up despite the pain I'm feeling. She nods and said "If you vomit an concerning amount of blood I'll have to tell Shinobu." I nod before leaving.

??? Pov ☆●》

"Mmph.?" I stared down at the floor in shock. Does Tomioka really have Hanahaki?.. "Oh um Kanroji wishes to see me." I heard Tomioka say. Before he exits the room I ran, trying not to make noise. Where is Tanjiro again? I don't want to make him worry.. [guess who it is and if you get it correct you- um..... get 69 acorns]

Giyuu pov ☆●》

I finally found Kanroji but Kochos with her. "Oh my~ Tomioka the master had asked me to join you guys on your mission friday!" Kocho says [THATS A LIE] "Wait but Master didn't say-" Kanroji said but stopped immediately after realizing something. "Is something bothering you Mitsuri?" I asked. She nods no. "Well um I'll just go. Bye Shinobu and Giyuu!" She said as she ran. "So~ Is there anyone on your mind recently?" Kocho asked me."No not really." I replied. She looked at me like she was relieved but a bit disappointed. "Of course! No one likes you enough to be on your mind!" She said before winking. "I'm just going to back to my estate." I said before leaving. "Alright! Bye giyuu!" Kocho said. Wait? Did she call me by my first name?

End of story.

Quick A/N. ☆●》

Sorry this chapter is short it's just that I have so much homework!
Word count 1387!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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