First Meeting ❀

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Mae-In stopped in her tracks and put her hands on her knees, panting. She was in the middle of the market once again. She had come far from home, her mother couldn't catch her anymore unless she wished to accompany her out.

People came in from different directions, pushing and walking into her. She couldn't stay here for longㅡ soon people will recognise her and complain about her to her furious mother.

The sun had set and the sky was now a shade of purplish blue.

Mae-In thought to visit her precious place and spend some timeㅡ no one will bother her there.

I won't go back home now. Let her do whatever she wants.

She took the secluded shortcut. The path had no shops and was dark at night. She had heard of a similar path which lead to the black market.

Or perhaps this one is a bit too dark.

She walked carefully.

I don't remember the shortcut looking like this.

Even though Mae-In was quite brave, this path leading to her secret place at night wasn't quite amusing. It was unusually dark and stinky.

What if I mistook it?

Her question was answered a few moments later when she discovered that the path she took, was, in fact, a different one, and it lead to the forest, instead of the dark marketㅡ much to Mae-In's relief.

But now, she stood in the forest and soon found out she lost the trail of the dark path so she was left unaware of how to get out.

I am in no way taking that path again. Now what should I do, then?

She picked up a stick and started walking, thrusting the branches and twigs away with it for her to move. The moon was up, and it helped her to locate trees and bushesㅡ at least some of them because she crashed into a tree and was convinced there was a huge lump on her forehead now. She took her steps carefully and alarmingly now.

God! Why did I run away from home? A few scoldings would have been okay...

As she kept wandering, her stomach suddenly dropped and a chill ran through her whole body.

She heard footsteps. Slow footsteps, approaching her.

She had once heard that this forest had wild bears and had recently attacked a man.

The last thing I want is to be eaten up by a bear.

She held her stick firmly in her hand and kept still.

The footsteps became closer.
Mae-In gulped down her nervousness and steadied herself.

It is near...

The steps grew closer and closer.

It is here!

Mae-In screamed and threw the stick at the large shadowy figure that emerged from the bush.

Is it gone?

She slowly opened her eyes.

But, instead of a wild bear a tall man dressed in a guard's uniform was standing there, like a statue. He was masked up but his set of eyes which looked God-sculpted were staring at her.

Mae-In's mouth was hanging open, her eyes wide.

Then, she burst out laughing.

"Wild... Wild Bear!"

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