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I whirl around in surprise to see BoA. She smiles at me with a very tender, sad look in her eyes, and I fix her with a questioning gaze.

Me: My family's beginning? What are you talking about?
BoA: This house is the start of your family's powers. This is where it all began. There's even a legend about it.

That's when the truth hits me like a ton of bricks. I remember a legend that I heard a few years ago, and my eyes widen in amazement.

Me: THAT legend?! This is the house?!

BoA: Yes. Well, kind of.

Me: Kind of?! What does that even mean?!

BoA: It means that this house always moves to the geographical center of whatever country you call home.
Me: What?! That's crazy!

BoA: Yeah? So is having magical powers, but you deal with that well enough.
Me: Yeah, that's because I was already used to that! This is another level of crazy!

BoA: Well, regardless of the craziness level, this is the truth. In fact, if you want to see the record of events, I can show you when we get back home.

"What about everyone else? Why do the rest of us have powers?"

It's Rose. I smile widely, very excited to see her, but she looks unusually serious. Okay, what the actual heck is going on?! And what is this morbid feeling I'm getting...?

Me: That's a good question.

BoA: Well, for the rest of you, each story is different. Unfortunately, I don't have the records for the rest of you.

Me: Wait, why do you have records of my family's powers but no one else's?
BoA: Because my family and yours have been intertwined since the beginning.

Me: What?!

BoA: My twice great grandparents were very close friends of your twice great grandmother, so my family had offered to keep records of your family's powers so we could strive to understand them better.

Me: So why didn't you mention all of this to me before?
BoA: Because I didn't get the chance to.

Me: Fair point. So what now?

I look at Felix questioningly.

Felix: Well, you're well now, so it's up to the three of you what to do from here.

Rose: I would like to talk to Andrew alone please.

Felix and BoA nod and leave the room quietly to give us some privacy, but BoA looks back at me with a sad gaze as she exits. What the heck?! Please, not again! Don't let this happen again!

Rose: Andrew-
Me: Are you breaking up with me again?
Rose: Listen-
Me: Roseanne Park, are you breaking up with me?

She hangs her head.

Me: If you do this, I never wanna see you again.

Rose: But-

My hair and eyes go green, and green flames flare up all over my body. Well, that's new.


She hangs her head, backs up in fear, and answers in a small, terrified voice.

Rose: Yes, but-
Me: Get out of my house!
Rose: But-
Me: OUT!!!

Rose runs out, tears in her eyes, and BoA bursts in. She looks legit frightened for the first time since I met her, but my rage causes the flames to get more intense. Rushing over, she hugs me.

"BoA, stop! What are you-?!

Felix rushes in and stops dead in his tracks.

Felix: No, not now...
BoA: Andrew, please! You have to calm - AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

I hear her scream and smell smoke. Looking down, at her, I see that the smoke I smell is coming off of BoA. The flames around me die instantly upon seeing this horrifying sight.

BoA: Thank... God...

She collapses, smoke billowing off of her body. Just in time, I catch her as Felix books it over to us. I put her on the bed, and felix starts to work on reviving her. All I feel is guilt. Tears cascade down my cheeks, making my vision blurry, as only one thought plays over and over in my mind.

What have I done?!

"To the Beginning" (Book 1 of the "K-Pop Mysteries" Series)Where stories live. Discover now