Chapter 1- Where am I?

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"Uuurrrrggghh" I groaned, while trying to adjust my tried dark brown eyes to the blinding light. Slowly, yet sadly not steadily, I picked myself up from the damp soil and immediately crashed down again, barley missing the red and polka dot white mushroom on my left.

"Fuck. Where am I?" I asked myself. I propped myself against my elbows.

I took a deep breath and waited a couple of seconds for my eyes to adjust to my surroundings.
I seemed to find myself in a forrest of some kind. Tall dark trees shading me a bit from the sun. A couple of crows standing in the lower branches looking at me in perculier. Six to be exact. As someone who isn't superstitious but has grown up with crows everywhere (I'm not even joking at this point. I'm starting to think that I might be cursed. My town believes it so- ) I've made my own crow-meaning meanings. I'm pretty sure I wrote it in my journal which is.....




Somewhere for sure.

I'm pretty sure six meant big change. Knowing my luck, I won't be expecting better grades or anything nice. Actually I probably won't be getting any grades if I don't figure out where I am.

I looked around once again trying to notice something that I might have not saw before.
Was that my messenger bag on a branch?

I carefully stood up. The forest floor started spinning a bit.
"Cheesuz. Could you not. I'm trying to stand up." I murmured while leasing against a tree,"Wonder how that got there?Maybe my journal is in it?"

While my headache slowly parted I came up with a ridiculously risky and stupid plan. If it didn't work I was probably going to either twist something or just break a bone. While I always wondered how that would feel like I don't think I'm anywhere near anyone who could help. Oh well. You live once.

I still felt a little weak however that might be because I was lying on mud and grass for the last who knows how long.
Actually, maybe it was some psychopath who wants to make something similar to Maze runner or The hunter games or whatever those films were called. I do hope that I'm not the main character.

That means I go through trauma. I've gone through enough as of now.
Then again I would have more jokes to make. Maybe.....
I'm getting of course.

I hooked my arms around a reluctantly low branch and heaved myself up. Steadily, I stood up and grabbed hold of another branch. Then I put my left leg on a smaller branch and used it as a stepping stool to get higher up. Three more branches up, I sat down to rest a little and looked down to see how high up I was. Probably around 7m high.
My pale long legs where covered in small cuts. I looked at my black skirt  and fish nets and sighed. Why did I think wearing this would be a good idea? And these black (shoes). Their not really good for climbing. Oh well. I might have some spare clothes in my messenger bag. Even though I can't complain about my t-shirt. It's black made from cotton and has some mushrooms and plants on the the front. I looked at my pale hands. Both decorated with black netted up-to-elbow gloves and lots of bracelet's. Mostly hand made.

"Oh well. Enough thinking. More doing. Or however you say that!" I exclaimed trying to cheer myself up.

I crossed my fingers and hoped to my ancestors that they catch me if I fall.
I steadied myself. Took a deep breath...

And jumped!

Using the momentum I then grabbed the tree branch I was aiming for, swinged my legs forward and landed on the dark brown wood in a crouching position.

I am honestly really surprised I actually managed to do that.

Actually now that that is done I think I'm finally ready to fight god. Or Satan. Probably Satan though cause I doubt I will be seeing God. I think he's more disappointed in me then my ancestors. And they are not happy that I'm interested in girls. But woman are hot.
My uncle probably wouldn't mind. But he's a pedophile. Soooooooo--- I do hope that the girl who got traumatised by him and then murdered him is okay. I don't think the police found out who killed him in the end. Good thing I told her to  change the place where she hid the body. I'm such a good girl.

I grabbed my dark brown messenger bag and put it on. Considering my luck hasn't failed me today I jumped back down (after a bit of climbing. I'm surprisingly not looking for a death wish) and sat down in the shade under a tree.

I opened my bag having a look to see as what I have inside. I had:
- my journal,
- a couple of pens and pencils,
- a rubber,
- some hair ties,
- two tampons and two pads,
- a comb,
- a water bottle,
- a snack consisting of a banana which I threw away cause it was bad,
- underwear,
- a t-shirt,
-  a book ,
- my niose-cancelling headphones (but no phone;'< ),
- bandages and plasters,
- tissues,
- my keychains and pins (which I was going to add so I did it then),
-some spare pennies and £20,
- a pocket knife,
-a compass(that was actually hanging from the side the whole time but yeah),
- some yarn and a some hooks,
- a spare tote bag inside.

I have no idea how all of that fit in but I'm not complaining.

Deciding to look for a place to rest I stood up and began searching. After finding a place I considered suitable I lied down and used my messenger bag as a pillow. I closed my eyes and drifted of to sleep.

990 words

Author's notes:
I have no idea where this is going.
But oh well-
It can't be that bad....right?
The art added is mine. Don't use it for profiles and don't post it on social media. Thank you<3

With author's note this is 1038 words .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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