55 | my OCs as brooklyn 99 clips

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As I mentioned in my previous chapter, Brooklyn 99 Is one of my favorite TV shows of all time. It has a fantastic plot and equally amazing characters, deals with difficult topics with respect and care (such as biphobia, racism, police brutality, couples who struggle to conceive, homophobia, divorce, etc). The cast is amazingly diverse and shows characters of color and various sexualities in positions of power.

I could rant about how much I love the show for DAYS, but that's not the point of this chapter. The point is to show you a video I made where I matched up clips from the show with my various OCs and canon characters in their universes. I would recommend listening to it with headphones or alone because there is some foul language and stuff. But there aren't really any spoilers from the show because all of this is out of context.

OKAY! On with the video.

Hope you enjoyed!! I was up until 1am finishing this

Hope you enjoyed!! I was up until 1am finishing this

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