Becoming a padawan

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Gabriel was 13 years old when he was called into the council's room. He tried taking some deep breaths to calm his nerves. He then heard Yoda say, "Enter, you may."

Gabriel suppressed a shudder before he walked in.

Gabriel was a very quiet and shy kid, he hated confrontation and was scared about making friendships in fear that they would abandon him like his parents did.

So in his spare time when he didn't have classes, he would either mediate, play with the animals in the gardens, or study about ancient planets and artifacts. (Since he was very fascinated in learning about them).

The only person he ever trusted was the Kel-Dor that found him.

Sometimes, when he would meditate in the gardens, Plo would walk up to him and asked if he could join to which Gabriel would say yes.

Over time, Gabriel started seeing Plo as more of a friend then just a teacher, someone he could talk to if he was having problems about his school life.

Gabriel was a big target for bullying by a guy is his creche named Jehovah. Given his non-threatening stature and quiet demeanor.

He would always make fun of Gabriel for having no friends except the temple animals and would call him names, like freak, long eared boy, or the boy nobody wanted.

Anyway, back to the present.

Gabriel steps into the council's room before going to the middle of the room. He holds his breath as he waits for what there about to tell him.

Plo then stands up and goes over to Gabriel before putting a hand on his shoulder and whispering "Breathe, young one."

Gabriel let's out a breath he didn't know he was holding before focusing his attention back to the council members.

Yoda then says "Master Plo-Koon, initiate Callahan, woven together now by the threads of the force, you are, congratulation padawan Callahan."

Gabriel just stood there wide eyed, before snapping out of his daze and saying "T-thank you masters". Plo then puts a hand on Gabriel's shoulder before leading him out of the room.

Gabriel just stared at Plo with wide eyes before he manage to stutter out "t-thank you". Plo smiled at him gently before saying "Your a bright student Gabriel, I can tell that you will grow to be a great padawan."

Gabriel blushed at the compliment before smiling shyly at the Kel-Dor. Plo smiled back at him before leading him to his quarters so that he could get Gabriel settled in.

Once Gabriel got settled down into his room, he sat on the bed and digested all that's happened, he was just picked as a padawan! He immediately broke into a smile and looked around his new room.

It looked as plain as any other padawan room but he knew that it would only be a matter of time before he could customize it a little.

Suddenly a thought occurred to him.

Would Plo ever regret taking him on as a padawan!?

The thought sent up a rise of panic inside Gabriel that he didn't know was possible, he started breathing heavily and he felt like he would no longer be able to breathe again.

He put a hand to his heart to try and reign himself in. Suddenly he feels a hand on his shoulder and he looks up to see Plo looking down at him with a concerned look on his face.

Gabriel then starts crying, he was so stupid! Plo would see how weak he was and then send him back to the crèche for sure! Before his thoughts could consume him though, he suddenly feels Plo pick him up before settling him onto his lap.

Gabriel stiffened before burying his face into Plo's chest and letting out a few painful sobs, Plo comes his fingers through Gabriel's hair before he whispered "Little one, you must calm down and breathe so that I can help you. Shhh, come on, follow my heartbeat and take deep breaths."

After a few minutes, Gabriel was able to calm down enough to where he was able to talk. He looked down in his lap before saying "I'm sorry I cried and messed up your tunic, I'll try and do better."

Plo immediately brought Gabriel back into his embrace and said "Never feel ashamed of your emotions, young one. It is what makes you human. And if this ever happens again then I want you to come and get me so that I can help you, that is the job of being a master."

Gabriel nodded and relaxed against Plo. He still had one more question for Plo though and he desperately needed an answer, wether he liked it or not.

He took a deep breath before he whispered, "Do u think you'll ever regret taking me on as your padawan"?

The answer was instantaneous, Plo hugged him close to his chest before saying "Never, young one, I will never regret becoming your master just as you should never doubt your place as my padawan."

Gabriel nodded before resting his head against Plo's chest and falling asleep.

So what did you guys think? Do u like the story so far?

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