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Even though Gabriel was now a padawan, it still didn't stop Jehovah from bullying him and making his life miserable.

One day, Gabriel was walking back to his and his Master's quarters when he was suddenly pushed up against a wall.

He gasped as he felt the air get knocked out of his lungs before regaining his bearings and seeing Jehovah pinning him against the wall with his hand that was holding onto his front tunic.

Gabriel tried to get out of Jehovah's hold but he was to weak. Jehovah then laughed at him before saying "What's wrong runt? Too weak to fight back? What would your master say seeing such a pathetic weakling who can't even fight back? He would probably throw you back in the creche."

Gabriel glared at him and said "And what would your master say when he sees that his padawan is such a brute and whose grades are so terrible that he has to pick on padawan's just so he doesn't feel incompetent in his life."

Jehovah growled at him before grabbing Gabriel's tunic with both of his hands and slamming him into the wall next to him. Gabriel let out a painful yelp as he hit his head against the wall.

Jehovah then picked him up by the collar of his tunic and held him up against the wall. He drew his hand into a fist and pulled his arm back while Gabriel said a silent prayer that someone could help him.

He closed his eyes but before Jehovah's fist could collide with his fist, another hand shot out and caught it before it hit Gabriel.

Jehovah gasped and Gabriel opened his eyes to see that Plo was the one that stopped Jehovah for punching him while Windu and Obi-Wan were behind him glaring at Jehovah.

Plo pushed Jehovah back which made him release Gabriel. Plo manged to catch Gabriel before he fell to the ground and helped him stand up.

Windu glares at the 2 boys before saying "Padawan's, to the council room now." Jehovah growled at Gabriel before following Windu to the council room.

Plo kept a hand on Gabriel's shoulder as he led him to the council room. While walking, Gabriel's thoughts were starting to swarm in his mind, would Plo be ashamed of him? Would he be disappointed in him? Would he get rid of him?

Gabriel didn't notice it but his breathing was starting to pick up a bit until Plo drew him into his side and said "breathe, young one, I'm not mad at you, I promise, and like I've said before, I'm not getting rid of you and I'll never will."

Gabriel let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and sent Plo his feelings of gratitude to him through the force. Plo smiled down at him and they kept walking to the council room.

When they get there, they all walk in and Plo squeezes his shoulder before going to sit down in his chair. Gabriel took a deep breath before standing next to Jehovah, though he made sure to put some distance between them.

After everyone got settled in, Windu said "Padawan David, do u want to tell us why you thought it was appropriate to hold Padawan Callahan up against a wall and punch him"?

Jehovah looked down before he said "He made me angry masters, he told me that I was a brute and that I was incompetent."

Windu raised a brow before he said "so you decided to prove him right by attacking him and almost punching him"? Jehovah glared at the floor before he said "He made me angry and I wasn't thinking straight because of it."

Windu glared at him before turning his attention to Gabriel, he said "Padawan Callahan, do u want to tell us why you called Padawan David a brute and incompetent"?

Gabriel took another deep breath before he said "This is the whole story masters. I was walking back to my masters quarters when Jehovah grabbed me and slammed me into a wall. I couldn't escape from his grasp since he was stronger then me which made him start commenting on how weak I was and that my master would give me away back to the creche once he found out. I got annoyed at him so I said that he was a brute and that he only picks on padawan's so that he doesn't feel incompetent in his life."

The force sang with truth to the masters so Windu said "Padawan Jehovah, because you attacked Padawan Callahan, you must now face the consequences of it, you will not be allowed to train at all for the next 3 months, your lightsaber will be taken away from you for 3 months, you will not be allowed to go on missions, and you will be forced to take a class that deals with aggression and how to deal with it, and if this ever happens again then the consequences will not be so lenient. Am I understood"?

Windu then looked at Gabriel and said "Padawan Callahan, since you decided to get a rise out of Padawan David because he provoked you, then you will be forced to take a meditation class as well that teaches how to handle confrontation. Understood"?

Gabriel nodded so Windu replied "dismissed" before Plo stood up and followed his padawan out of the room.

Jehovah stomped away so Plo said to Gabriel "come Padawan, we have much to talk about but do know that I am happy about how you handled things today."

Gabriel smiles at his master before following him back to their quarters, maybe Plo wouldn't get rid of him after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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